The 1.3m Telescope
Telescope type: Modified Ritchey–Chrétien
- Aperture of primary mirror: 129cm
- Aperture of secondary mirror: 45cm
- Central hole of main mirror: 35cm
- Distance primary to secondary: 245.34cm
- Focal length: 985.7cm
- Focal ratio: 7.64
- Manufactured by Carl Zeiss Oberkochen
Τelescope mount: Equatorial
- Computer controlled
- Manufactured by DFM Engineering
Autoguiding System
- Off-axis guiding manufactured by Baader Planetarium
- Digital Camera CDD, model STT-1603 by SBIG
The 1.0m Telescope
Telescope type: Ritchey–Chrétien
- Aperture of primary mirror: 100.0cm
- Aperture of secondary mirror: 33.5cm
- Central hole of main mirror: 29.0 cm
- Distance primary to secondary: 136.95cm
- Linear central oscuration : 35%
- Focal length: 697.2cm
- Focal ratio: 7.0
- Manufactured by ASA Astrosysteme
Telescope mount: Equatorial
- Computer controlled
- Manufactured by ASA Astrosysteme
Autoguiding system
- NO guiding yet

The 0.6m Telescope (currently non operational)
Telescope type: Cassegrain
- Aperture of primary mirror: 60cm
- Aperture of secondary mirror: 20.3cm
- Focal length: 480cm
- Focal ratio: 8
- Maximum usable field of view: 0.33o x 0.33o
- Manufactured by Astrooptik Keller
Telescope mount: German
- Computer controlled
- Manufactured K140 Michael Knopf
Autoguiding system
- Autoguiding
- Synchronous movement with a 5.3m dome by Baader Planetarium
- Digital Camera (CCD) by SBIG
The 0.3m Flat Field Telescope
Telescope type: Schmidt- Cassegrain
- Aperture: 30cm
- Focal length: 94cm
- Focal ratio: 3.2
- Maximum usable field of view: 3o
- Manufactured by Lichtenknecker Optics
Telescope mount: German
- Computer controlled
- Manufactured by Eckard Alt
Autoguiding system
- Autoguiding using a Vixen 10cm telescope
- Digital Camera CCD, model ST-8 by SBIG