Τα κύρια ερευνητικά θέματα, για την επίλυση των οποίων μέλη του Ινστιτούτου Αστροφυσικής – ΙΤΕ χρησιμοποιούν και παρατηρήσεις από τα τηλεσκόπια του Αστεροσκοπείου Σκίνακα, περιγράφονται εδώ.

O πλήρης κατάλογος των δημοσιεύσεων σε ερευνητικά περιοδικά με κριτές, 293 μέχρι το τέλος του 2024, καθώς και των διδακτορικών και μεταπτυχιακών διατριβών που έχουν χρησιμοποιήσει δεδομένα από το Αστεροσκοπείο Σκίνακα, μαζί με ένα ιστόγραμμα των δημοσιεύσεων αυτών ώς συνάρτηση του χρόνου παρουσιάζονται στη συνέχεια. Η απήχηση των εργασιών αυτών  (αναφορές, h-index) όπως αποτυπώνεται από τα στοιχεία της NASA/ADS, παρουσιάζεται εδώ.




  1. Abe, S., Abhir, J., Acciari, V. A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet-Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Artero, M., Asano, K., Babić, A., Baquero, A., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Batković, I., Baxter, J., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Bernete, J., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž., Burelli, I., Busetto, G., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Carosi, A., Carosi, R., Carretero-Castrillo, M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cifuentes, A., Cikota, S., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Ammando, F., D’Amico, G., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., de Menezes, R., Del Popolo, A., Delgado, J., Delgado Mendez, C., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Emery, G., Escudero, J., Fariña, L., Fattorini, A., Foffano, L., Font, L., Fröse, S., Fukami, S., Fukazawa, Y., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Godinović, N., Gradetzke, T., Grau, R., Green, D., Green, J. G., Günther, P., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Heckmann, L., Herrera, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Imazawa, R., Inada, T., Ishio, K., Jiménez Martínez, I., Jormanainen, J., Kerszberg, D., Kluge, G. W., Kobayashi, Y., Kouch, P. M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Láinez Lezáun, M., Lamastra, A., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Linhoff, L., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López-Coto, R., López-Moya, M., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Lorini, A., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Mang, N., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Mannheim, K., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Martínez-Chicharro, M., Mas-Aguilar, A., Mazin, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molero González, M., Molina, E., Mondal, H. A., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Nakamori, T., Nanci, C., Nava, L., Neustroev, V., Nickel, L., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nigro, C., Nikolić, L., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Njoh Ekoume, T., Noda, K., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pavlović, D., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Pihet, M., Pirola, G., Podobnik, F., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schmuckermaier, F., Schubert, J. L., Schweizer, T., Sciaccaluga, A., Sitarek, J., Sliusar, V., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Strišković, J., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Suda, Y., Suutarinen, S., Tajima, H., Takahashi, M., Takeishi, R., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terauchi, K., Terzić, T., & Teshima, M., First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  684, A127.
  2. Alfonso-Garzón, J., van den Eijnden, J., Kuin, N. P. M., Fürst, F., Rouco Escorial, A., Fabregat, J., Reig, P., Mas-Hesse, J. M., Jenke, P. A., Malacaria, C., & Wilson-Hodge, C., Unveiling the origin of the optical and UV emission during the 2017 giant outburst of the Galactic ULX pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  683, A45.
  3. Blinov, D., & Arshinova, A., Polarization of active galactic nuclei with significant VLBI-Gaia displacements., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  691, A35.
  4. Dhiman, V., Gupta, A. C., Bachev, R., Wiita, P. J., Cellone, S. A., Strigachev, A., Gaur, H., Darriba, A., Bisen, D. P., Locatelli, G., Mammana, L. A., & Semkov, E., Multiband optical variability on diverse time-scales of the TeV blazar TXS 0506 + 056, the first cosmic neutrino source., 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,  527, 1344.
  5. Errando, M., Liodakis, I., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, H. L., Middei, R., Negro, M., Peirson, A. L., Perri, M., Puccetti, S., Rabinowitz, P. L., Agudo, I., Jorstad, S. G., Savchenko, S. S., Blinov, D., Bourbah, I. G., Kiehlmann, S., Kontopodis, E., Mandarakas, N., Romanopoulos, S., Skalidis, R., Vervelaki, A., Aceituno, F. J., Bernardos, M. I., Bonnoli, G., Casanova, V., Agís-González, B., Husillos, C., Marchini, A., Sota, A., Kouch, P. M., Lindfors, E., Casadio, C., Escudero, J., Myserlis, I., Imazawa, R., Sasada, M., Fukazawa, Y., Kawabata, K. S., Uemura, M., Mizuno, T., Nakaoka, T., Akitaya, H., Gurwell, M., Keating, G. K., Rao, R., Ingram, A., Massaro, F., Antonelli, L. A., Bonino, R., Cavazzuti, E., Chen, C.-T., Cibrario, N., Ciprini, S., De Rosa, A., Di Gesu, L., Di Pierro, F., Donnarumma, I., Ehlert, S. R., Fenu, F., Gau, E., Karas, V., Kim, D. E., Krawczynski, H., Laurenti, M., Lisalda, L., López-Coto, R., Madejski, G., Marin, F., Marinucci, A., Mitsuishi, I., Muleri, F., Pacciani, L., Paggi, A., Petrucci, P.-O., Rodriguez Cavero, N., Romani, R. W., Tavecchio, F., Tugliani, S., Wu, K., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bianchi, S., Bongiorno, S. D., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Capitanio, F., Castellano, S., Costa, E., Del Monte, E., Di Lalla, N., Di Marco, A., Doroshenko, V., Dovčiak, M., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Fabiani, S., Ferrazzoli, R., Garcia, J. A., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Heyl, J., Iwakiri, W., Kaaret, P., Kislat, F., Kitaguchi, T., Kolodziejczak, J. J., La Monaca, F., Latronico, L., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Matt, G., Ng, C.-Y., O’Dell, S. L., Omodei, N., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Pavlov, G. G., Pesce-Rollins, M., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Poutanen, J., Ramsey, B. D., Rankin, J., Ratheesh, A., Roberts, O. J., Sgrò, C., Slane, P., Soffitta, P., Spandre, G., Swartz, D. A., Tamagawa, T., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Tennant, A. F., Thomas, N. E., Tombesi, F., Trois, A., Tsygankov, S. S., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Weisskopf, M. C., Xie, F., & Zane, S., Detection of X-Ray Polarization from the Blazar 1ES 1959+650 with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer., 2024, The Astrophysical Journal,  963, 5.
  6. Liodakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Marscher, A. P., Zhang, H., Blinov, D., Jorstad, S. G., Agudo, I., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Bonnoli, G., Casadio, C., Chen, C.-T., Chen, W.-P., Ehlert, S. R., Escudero, J., Grishina, T. S., Hiriart, D., Hsu, A., Imazawa, R., Jermak, H. E., Jose, J., Kaaret, P., Kopatskaya, E. N., Lalchand, B., Larionova, E. G., Lindfors, E., López, J. M., McCall, C., Morozova, D. A., Palaiologou, E., Pandey, S., Poutanen, J., Rakshit, S., Reig, P., Sasada, M., Savchenko, S. S., Shablovinskaya, E., Neha, S., Shrestha, M., Steele, I. A., Troitskiy, I. S., Troitskaya, Y. V., Uemura, M., Vasilyev, A. A., Weaver, Z., Wiersema, K., & Weisskopf, M. C., Testing particle acceleration in blazar jets with continuous high-cadence optical polarization observations., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  689, A200.
  7. MAGIC Collaboration, Abe, H., Abe, S., Acciari, V. A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Artero, M., Asano, K., Baack, D., Babić, A., Baquero, A., Barres de Almeida, U., Batković, I., Baxter, J., Becerra González, J., Bernardini, E., Bernete, J., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž., Burelli, I., Busetto, G., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Carosi, A., Carosi, R., Carretero-Castrillo, M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Chai, Y., Cifuentes, A., Cikota, S., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Amico, G., D’Ammando, F., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., Del Popolo, A., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Delgado Mendez, C., Depaoli, D., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Emery, G., Escudero, J., Fariña, L., Fattorini, A., Foffano, L., Font, L., Fukami, S., Fukazawa, Y., García López, R. J., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Grau, R., Green, J. G., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Heckmann, L., Herrera, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Imazawa, R., Inada, T., Iotov, R., Ishio, K., Jiménez Martínez, I., Jormanainen, J., Kerszberg, D., Kluge, G. W., Kobayashi, Y., Kouch, P. M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Láinez Lezáun, M., Lamastra, A., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Linhoff, L., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López-Moya, M., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Lorini, A., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Mang, N., Manganaro, M., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Martínez-Chicharro, M., Mas-Aguilar, A., Mazin, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molero González, M., Molina, E., Mondal, H. A., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Nakamori, T., Nanci, C., Neustroev, V., Nigro, C., Nikolić, L., Nishijima, K., Njoh Ekoume, T., Noda, K., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pavlović, D., Persic, M., Pihet, M., Pirola, G., Podobnik, F., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schmuckermaier, F., Schubert, J. L., Schweizer, T., Sciaccaluga, A., Sitarek, J., Spolon, A., Stamerra, A., Strišković, J., Strom, D., Suda, Y., Tajima, H., Takeishi, R., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terauchi, K., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Tosti, L., Truzzi, S., Tutone, A., Ubach, S., van Scherpenberg, J., Ventura, S., Verguilov, V., Viale, I., Vigorito, C. F., Vitale, V., Walter, R., Wunderlich, C., Yamamoto, T., Multi-wavelength Collaborators, Perri, M., Verrecchia, F., Leto, C., Das, S., & Chatterjee, R., Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  682, A114.
  8. MAGIC Collaboration, Abe, S., Abhir, J., Acciari, V. A., Aguasca-Cabot, A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Asano, K., Babić, A., Baquero, A., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Batković, I., Bautista, A., Baxter, J., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Bernardos, M., Bernete, J., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž., Burelli, I., Busetto, G., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Carosi, A., Carosi, R., Carretero-Castrillo, M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cifuentes, A., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Amico, G., D’Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., de Menezes, R., Del Popolo, A., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Delgado Mendez, C., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Emery, G., Escudero, J., Fariña, L., Fattorini, A., Foffano, L., Font, L., Fröse, S., Fukazawa, Y., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Godinović, N., Gradetzke, T., Grau, R., Green, D., Green, J. G., Günther, P., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Heckmann, L., Herrera, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Imazawa, R., Ishio, K., Jiménez Martínez, I., Kayanoki, T., Kerszberg, D., Kluge, G. W., Kobayashi, Y., Kouch, P. M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Láinez Lezáun, M., Lamastra, A., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Linhoff, L., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López-Coto, R., López-Moya, M., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Lorini, A., Lyard, E., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Mang, N., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Mannheim, K., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Martínez-Chicharro, M., Mas-Aguilar, A., Mazin, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molero González, M., Molina, E., Mondal, H. A., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Nakamori, T., Nanci, C., Neustroev, V., Nigro, C., Nikolić, L., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Njoh Ekoume, T., Noda, K., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Pihet, M., Pirola, G., Podobnik, F., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schmuckermaier, F., Schubert, J. L., Schweizer, T., Sciaccaluga, A., Silvestri, G., Sitarek, J., Sobczynska, D., Spolon, A., Stamerra, A., Strišković, J., Strom, D., Suda, Y., Suutarinen, S., Tajima, H., Takahashi, M., Takeishi, R., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terauchi, K., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Tosti, L., Truzzi, S., & Tutone, A., Insights into the broadband emission of the TeV blazar Mrk 501 during the first X-ray polarization measurements., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  685, A117.
  9. MAGIC Collaboration, Abe, H., Abe, S., Abhir, J., Acciari, V. A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Artero, M., Asano, K., Baack, D., Babić, A., Baquero, A., Barres de Almeida, U., Batković, I., Baxter, J., Becerra González, J., Bernardini, E., Bernete, J., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž., Burelli, I., Busetto, G., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Carosi, A., Carosi, R., Carretero-Castrillo, M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Chai, Y., Cifuentes, A., Cikota, S., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Amico, G., D’Elia, V., da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., de Angelis, A., de Lotto, B., Del Popolo, A., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Delgado Mendez, C., Depaoli, D., di Pierro, F., di Venere, L., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Emery, G., Escudero, J., Fariña, L., Fattorini, A., Foffano, L., Font, L., Fukami, S., Fukazawa, Y., García López, R. J., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Grau, R., Green, J. G., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Heckmann, L., Herrera, J., Hovatta, T., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Imazawa, R., Inada, T., Iotov, R., Ishio, K., Jimenez Martínez, I., Jormanainen, J., Kerszberg, D., Kluge, G. W., Kobayashi, Y., Kouch, P. M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Láinez Lezáun, M., Lamastra, A., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Liodakis, I., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López-Moya, M., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Lorini, A., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Mang, N., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Martínez-Chicharro, M., Mas-Aguilar, A., Mazin, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molero González, M., Molina, E., Mondal, H. A., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Nakamori, T., Nanci, C., Neustroev, V., Nigro, C., Nikolić, L., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Njoh Ekoume, T., Noda, K., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pavlović, D., Persic, M., Pihet, M., Pirola, G., Podobnik, F., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schmuckermaier, F., Schubert, J. L., Schweizer, T., Sciaccaluga, A., Sitarek, J., Spolon, A., Stamerra, A., Strišković, J., Strom, D., Suda, Y., Suutarinen, S., Tajima, H., Takeishi, R., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terauchi, K., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Tosti, L., Truzzi, S., Tutone, A., Ubach, S., van Scherpenberg, J., Ventura, S., Verguilov, V., Viale, I., Vigorito, C. F., Vitale, V., Walter, R., Wunderlich, C., Yamamoto, T., & MWL Collaborators, The variability patterns of the TeV blazar PG 1553 + 113 from a decade of MAGIC and multiband observations., 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,  529, 3894.
  10. Mandarakas, N., Panopoulou, G. V., Pelgrims, V., Potter, S. B., Pavlidou, V., Ramaprakash, A., Tassis, K., Blinov, D., Kiehlmann, S., Koutsiona, E., Maharana, S., Romanopoulos, S., Skalidis, R., Vervelaki, A., Clark, S. E., Kypriotakis, J. A., & Readhead, A. C. S., Zero-polarization candidate regions for the calibration of wide-field optical polarimeters., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  684, A132.
  11. Marshall, H. L., Liodakis, I., Marscher, A. P., Di Lalla, N., Jorstad, S. G., Kim, D. E., Middei, R., Negro, M., Omodei, N., Peirson, A. L., Perri, M., Puccetti, S., Laurenti, M., Agudo, I., Bonnoli, G., Berdyugin, A. V., Cavazzuti, E., Rodriguez Cavero, N., Donnarumma, I., Di Gesu, L., Jormanainen, J., Krawczynski, H., Lindfors, E., Madjeski, G., Marin, F., Massaro, F., Pacciani, L., Poutanen, J., Tavecchio, F., Kouch, P. M., Aceituno, F. J., Bernardos, M. I., Casanova, V., García-Comas, M., Agís-González, B., Husillos, C., Marchini, A., Sota, A., Blinov, D., Bourbah, I. G., Kielhmann, S., Kontopodis, E., Mandarakas, N., Romanopoulos, S., Skalidis, R., Vervelaki, A., Borman, G. A., Kopatskaya, E. N., Larionova, E. G., Morozova, D. A., Savchenko, S. S., Vasilyev, A. A., Zhovtan, A. V., Casadio, C., Escudero, J., Kramer, J., Myserlis, I., Trainou, E., Imazawa, R., Sasada, M., Fukazawa, Y., Kawabata, K. S., Uemura, M., Mizuno, T., Nakaoka, T., Akitaya, H., Masiero, J. R., Mawet, D., Panopoulou, G. V., Tinyanont, S., Kagitani, M., Kravtsov, V., Sakanoi, T., Dattolo, M., Gurwell, M., Keating, G., Rao, R., Cheong, W. Y., Jeong, H.-W., Kang, S., Kim, S.-H., Lee, S.-S., Angelakis, E., Kraus, A., Hales, A., Kameno, S., Kneissl, R., Messias, H., Nagai, H., Antonelli, L. A., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bianchi, S., Bongiorno, S. D., Bonino, R., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Capitanio, F., Castellano, S., Chen, C.-T., Ciprini, S., Costa, E., De Rosa, A., Del Monte, E., Di Marco, A., Doroshenko, V., Dovčiak, M., Ehlert, S. R., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Fabiani, S., Ferrazzoli, R., Garcia, J. A., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Heyl, J., Iwakiri, W., Kaaret, P., Karas, V., Kislat, F., Kitaguchi, T., Kolodziejczak, J. J., La Monaca, F., Latronico, L., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Marinucci, A., Matt, G., Mitsuishi, I., Muleri, F., Ng, C.-Y., O’Dell, S. L., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Pavlov, G. G., Pesce-Rollins, M., Petrucci, P.-O., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Ramsey, B. D., Rankin, J., Ratheesh, A., Roberts, O. J., Romani, R. W., Sgrò, C., Slane, P., Soffitta, P., Spandre, G., Swartz, D. A., Tamagawa, T., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Tennant, A. F., Thomas, N. E., Tombesi, F., Trois, A., Tsygankov, S. S., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Weisskopf, M. C., Wu, K., Xie, F., & Zane, S., Observations of Low and Intermediate Spectral Peak Blazars with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer., 2024, The Astrophysical Journal,  972, 74.
  12. Pelgrims, V., Mandarakas, N., Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., Panopoulou, G. V., Pavlidou, V., Blinov, D., Kiehlmann, S., Clark, S. E., Hensley, B. S., Romanopoulos, S., Basyrov, A., Eriksen, H. K., Falalaki, M., Ghosh, T., Gjerløw, E., Kypriotakis, J. A., Maharana, S., Papadaki, A., Pearson, T. J., Potter, S. B., Ramaprakash, A. N., Readhead, A. C. S., & Wehus, I. K., The first degree-scale starlight-polarization-based tomography map of the magnetized interstellar medium., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  684, A162.
  13. Poutanen, J., Tsygankov, S. S., Doroshenko, V., Forsblom, S. V., Jenke, P., Kaaret, P., Berdyugin, A. V., Blinov, D., Kravtsov, V., Liodakis, I., Tzouvanou, A., Di Marco, A., Heyl, J., La Monaca, F., Mushtukov, A. A., Pavlov, G. G., Salganik, A., Veledina, A., Weisskopf, M. C., Zane, S., Loktev, V., Suleimanov, V. F., Wilson-Hodge, C., Berdyugina, S. V., Kagitani, M., Piirola, V., Sakanoi, T., Agudo, I., Antonelli, L. A., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bianchi, S., Bongiorno, S. D., Bonino, R., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Capitanio, F., Castellano, S., Cavazzuti, E., Chen, C.-T., Ciprini, S., Costa, E., De Rosa, A., Del Monte, E., Di Gesu, L., Di Lalla, N., Donnarumma, I., Dovčiak, M., Ehlert, S. R., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Fabiani, S., Ferrazzoli, R., Garcia, J. A., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Iwakiri, W., Jorstad, S. G., Karas, V., Kislat, F., Kitaguchi, T., Kolodziejczak, J. J., Latronico, L., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Marin, F., Marinucci, A., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, H. L., Massaro, F., Matt, G., Mitsuishi, I., Mizuno, T., Muleri, F., Negro, M., Ng, C.-Y., O’Dell, S. L., Omodei, N., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Peirson, A. L., Perri, M., Pesce-Rollins, M., Petrucci, P.-O., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Puccetti, S., Ramsey, B. D., Rankin, J., Ratheesh, A., Roberts, O. J., Romani, R. W., Sgrò, C., Slane, P., Soffitta, P., Spandre, G., Swartz, D. A., Tamagawa, T., Tavecchio, F., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Tennant, A. F., Thomas, N. E., Tombesi, F., Trois, A., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Wu, K., & Xie, F., Studying geometry of the ultraluminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 using X-ray and optical polarimetry., 2024, Astronomy and Astrophysics,  691, A123.


  1. Abe, H., Abe, S., Acciari, V. A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet-Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Artero, M., Asano, K., Baack, D., Babić, A., Baquero, A., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Batković, I., Baxter, J., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Bernardos, M., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bhattacharyya, W., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Ž., Burelli, I., Busetto, G., Carosi, R., Carretero-Castrillo, M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Chilingarian, A., Cikota, S., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D’Amico, G., D’Elia, V., da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., de Angelis, A., de Lotto, B., Del Popolo, A., Delfino, M., Delgado, J., Delgado Mendez, C., Depaoli, D., di Pierro, F., di Venere, L., Do Souto Espiñeira, E., Dominis Prester, D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Emery, G., Escudero, J., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fariña, L., Fattorini, A., Foffano, L., Font, L., Fruck, C., Fukami, S., Fukazawa, Y., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Godinović, N., Grau, R., Green, D., Green, J. G., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Heckmann, L., Herrera, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Imazawa, R., Inada, T., Iotov, R., Ishio, K., Jiménez Martínez, I., Jormanainen, J., Kerszberg, D., Kobayashi, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lamastra, A., Lelas, D., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Linhoff, L., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López-Coto, R., López-Moya, M., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Lorini, A., Lyard, E., Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Mang, N., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Mannheim, K., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mas-Aguilar, A., Mazin, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Mićanović, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Molina, E., Mondal, H. A., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Moreno, V., Nakamori, T., Nanci, C., Nava, L., Neustroev, V., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nigro, C., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Njoh Ekoume, T., Noda, K., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Oka, T., Okumura, A., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pavletić, L., Persic, M., Pihet, M., Pirola, G., Podobnik, F., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Rugliancich, A., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Sakurai, S., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schmuckermaier, F., Schubert, J. L., Schweizer, T., Sitarek, J., Sliusar, V., Sobczynska, D., Spolon, A., Stamerra, A., Strišković, J., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Suda, Y., Surić, T., Tajima, H., Takahashi, M., Takeishi, R., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terauchi, K., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Tosti, L., Truzzi, S., Tutone, A., Ubach, S., van Scherpenberg, J., Vazquez Acosta, M., Ventura, S., Verguilov, V., Viale, I., Vigorito, C. F., Vitale, V., Vovk, I., Walter, R., Will, M., Wunderlich, C., Yamamoto, T., Zarić, D., MAGIC Collaboration, Cerruti, M., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Apolonio, G., Bachev, R., Baloković, M., Benítez, E., Björklund, I., Bozhilov, V., Brown, L. F., Bugg, A., Carbonell, W., Carnerero, M. I., Carosati, D., Casadio, C., Chamani, W., Chen, W. P., Chigladze, R. A., Damljanovic, G., Epps, K., Erkenov, A., Feige, M., Finke, J., Fuentes, A., Gazeas, K., Giroletti, M., Grishina, T. S., Gupta, A. C., Gurwell, ., Heidemann, E., Hiriart, D., Hou, W. J., Hovatta, T., Ibryamov, S., Joner, M. D., Jorstad, S. G., Kania, J., Kiehlmann, S., Kimeridze, G. N., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kopp, M., Korte, M., Kotas, B., Koyama, S., Kramer, J. A., Kunkel, L., Kurtanidze, S. O., Kurtanidze, O. M., Lähteenmäki, A., López, J. M., Larionov, V. M., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Leto, C., Lorey, C., Mújica, R., Madejski, G. M., Marchili, N., Marscher, A. P., Minev, M., Modaressi, A., Morozova, D. A., Mufakharov, T., Myserlis, I., Nikiforova, A. A., Nikolashvili, M. G., Ovcharov, E., Perri, M., Raiteri, C. M., Readhead, A. C. S., Reimer, A., Reinhart, D., Righini, S., Rosenlehner, K., Sadun, A. C., Savchenko, S. S., Scherbantin, A., Schneider, L., Schoch, K., Seifert, D., Semkov, E., Sigua, L. A., Singh, C., Sola, P., Sotnikova, Y., Spencer, M., Steineke, R., Stojanovic, M., Strigachev, A., Tornikoski, M., Traianou, E., Tramacere, A., Troitskaya, Y. V., Troitskiy, I. S., Trump, J. B., Tsai, A., Valcheva, A., Vasilyev, A. A., Verrecchia, F., Villata, M., Vince, O., Vrontaki, K., Weaver, Z. R., Zaharieva, E., & Zottmann, N., “Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically Low X-Ray and γ-Ray Activity”., 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266, 37.

  2. Bachev, R., Tripathi, T., Gupta, A. C., Kushwaha, P., Strigachev, A., Kurtenkov, A., Nikolov, Y., Boeva, S., Damljanovic, G., Vince, O., Stojanovic, M., Kishore, S., Gaur, H., Dhiman, V., Fan, J., Kalita, N., Spassov, B., & Semkov, E., “Intra-night optical flux and polarization variability of BL Lacertae during its 2020-2021 high state”., 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 3018.

  3. Blinov, D., Maharana, S., Bouzelou, F., Casadio, C., Gjerløw, E., Jormanainen, J., Kiehlmann, S., Kypriotakis, J. A., Liodakis, I., Mandarakas, N., Markopoulioti, L., Panopoulou, G. V., Pelgrims, V., Pouliasi, A., Romanopoulos, S., Skalidis, R., Anche, R. M., Angelakis, E., Antoniadis, J., Medhi, B. J., Hovatta, T., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papadakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Papamastorakis, I., Pearson, T. J., Potter, S. B., Ramaprakash, A. N., Readhead, A. C. S., Reig, P., Słowikowska, A., Tassis, K., & Zensus, J. A., “The RoboPol sample of optical polarimetric standards”., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677, A144.

  4. Dhiman, V., Gupta, A. C., Kurtanidze, S. O., Eglitis, I., Strigachev, A., Damljanovic, G., Wiita, P. J., Gu, M., Gaur, H., Vince, O., Bachev, R., Bisen, D. P., Ibryamov, S., Ivanidze, R. Z., Jovanovic, M. D., Kurtanidze, O. M., Nikolashvili, M. G., Semkov, E., Spassov, B., Stojanovic, M., Villarroel, B., Xu, H., & Zhang, Z., “Multiband optical variability of the TeV blazar PG 1553 + 113 in 2019”., 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 2796.

  5. Di Gesu, L., Marshall, H. L., Ehlert, S. R., Kim, D. E., Donnarumma, I., Tavecchio, F., Liodakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Agudo, I., Jorstad, S. G., Muleri, F., Marscher, A. P., Puccetti, S., Middei, R., Perri, M., Pacciani, L., Negro, M., Romani, R. W., Di Marco, A., Blinov, D., Bourbah, I. G., Kontopodis, E., Mandarakas, N., Romanopoulos, S., Skalidis, R., Vervelaki, A., Casadio, C., Escudero, J., Myserlis, I., Gurwell, M. A., Rao, R., Keating, G. K., Kouch, P. M., Lindfors, E., Aceituno, F. J., Bernardos, M. I., Bonnoli, G., Casanova, V., García-Comas, M., Agís-González, B., Husillos, C., Marchini, A., Sota, A., Imazawa, R., Sasada, M., Fukazawa, Y., Kawabata, K. S., Uemura, M., Mizuno, T., Nakaoka, T., Akitaya, H., Savchenko, S. S., Vasilyev, A. A., Gómez, J. L., Antonelli, L. A., Barnouin, T., Bonino, R., Cavazzuti, E., Costamante, L., Chen, C.-T., Cibrario, N., De Rosa, A., Di Pierro, F., Errando, M., Kaaret, P., Karas, V., Krawczynski, H., Lisalda, L., Madejski, G., Malacaria, C., Marin, F., Marinucci, A., Massaro, F., Matt, G., Mitsuishi, I., O’Dell, S. L., Paggi, A., Peirson, A. L., Petrucci, P.-O., Ramsey, B. D., Tennant, A. F., Wu, K., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bianchi, S., Bongiorno, S. D., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Capitanio, F., Castellano, S., Ciprini, S., Costa, E., Del Monte, E., Di Lalla, N., Doroshenko, V., Dovčiak, M., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Fabiani, S., Ferrazzoli, R., Garcia, J. A., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Heyl, J., Iwakiri, W., Kislat, F., Kitaguchi, T., Kolodziejczak, J. J., La Monaca, F., Latronico, L., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Ng, C.-Y., Omodei, N., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Pavlov, G. G., Pesce-Rollins, M., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Poutanen, J., Rankin, J., Ratheesh, A., Roberts, O. J., Sgrò, C., Slane, P., Soffitta, P., Spandre, G., Swartz, D. A., Tamagawa, T., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Thomas, N. E., Tombesi, F., Trois, A., Tsygankov, S. S., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Weisskopf, M. C., Xie, F., & Zane, S., “Discovery of X-ray polarization angle rotation in the jet from blazar Mrk 421.”., 2023, Nature Astronomy, 7, 1245.

  6. Ibryamov, S., Zidarova, G., Semkov, E., & Peneva, S., “Study of the Long-term BVR c I c Photometric Variability of Eight PMS Stars in the Young Open Cluster Trumpler 37″., 2023, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 085006.

  7. Liodakis, I., Koljonen, K. I. I., Blinov, D., Lindfors, E., Alexander, K. D., Hovatta, T., Berton, M., Hajela, A., Jormanainen, J., Kouroumpatzakis, K., Mandarakas, N., & Nilsson, K., “Optical polarization from colliding stellar stream shocks in a tidal disruption event”., 2023, Science, 380, 656.

  8. Maharana, S., Kiehlmann, S., Blinov, D., Pelgrims, V., Pavlidou, V., Tassis, K., Kypriotakis, J. A., Ramaprakash, A. N., Anche, R. M., Basyrov, A., Deka, K., Eriksen, H. K., Ghosh, T., Gjerløw, E., Mandarakas, N., Ntormousi, E., Panopoulou, G. V., Papadaki, A., Pearson, T., Potter, S. B., Readhead, A. C. S., Skalidis, R., & Wehus, I. K., “Bright-Moon sky as a wide-field linear Polarimetric flat source for calibration”., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 679, A68.

  9. Mandarakas, N., Blinov, D., Aguilera-Dena, D. R., Romanopoulos, S., Pavlidou, V., Tassis, K., Antoniadis, J., Kiehlmann, S., Lychoudis, A., & Tsemperof Kataivatis, L. F., “GRB 210619B optical afterglow polarization”., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A144.

  10. Marin, F., Hutsemékers, D., Liodakis, I., Antonucci, R., Mandarakas, N., Lindfors, E., Blinov, D., Barnouin, T., & Savić, D., “Polarimetry of the potential binary supermassive black hole system in J1430+2303”., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 673, A126.

  11. Middei, R., Liodakis, I., Perri, M., Puccetti, S., Cavazzuti, E., Di Gesu, L., Ehlert, S. R., Madejski, G., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, H. L., Muleri, F., Negro, M., Jorstad, S. G., Agís-González, B., Agudo, I., Bonnoli, G., Bernardos, M. I., Casanova, V., García-Comas, M., Husillos, C., Marchini, A., Sota, A., Kouch, P. M., Lindfors, E., Borman, G. A., Kopatskaya, E. N., Larionova, E. G., Morozova, D. A., Savchenko, S. S., Vasilyev, A. A., Zhovtan, A. V., Casadio, C., Escudero, J., Myserlis, I., Hales, A., Kameno, S., Kneissl, R., Messias, H., Nagai, H., Blinov, D., Bourbah, I. G., Kiehlmann, S., Kontopodis, E., Mandarakas, N., Romanopoulos, S., Skalidis, R., Vervelaki, A., Masiero, J. R., Mawet, D., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Panopoulou, G. V., Tinyanont, S., Berdyugin, A. V., Kagitani, M., Kravtsov, V., Sakanoi, T., Imazawa, R., Sasada, M., Fukazawa, Y., Kawabata, K. S., Uemura, M., Mizuno, T., Nakaoka, T., Akitaya, H., Gurwell, M., Rao, R., Di Lalla, N., Cibrario, N., Donnarumma, I., Kim, D. E., Omodei, N., Pacciani, L., Poutanen, J., Tavecchio, F., Antonelli, L. A., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bianchi, S., Bongiorno, S. D., Bonino, R., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Capitanio, F., Castellano, S., Ciprini, S., Costa, E., De Rosa, A., Del Monte, E., Di Marco, A., Doroshenko, V., Dovčiak, M., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Fabiani, S., Ferrazzoli, R., Garcia, J. A., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Heyl, J., Iwakiri, W., Karas, V., Kitaguchi, T., Kolodziejczak, J. J., Krawczynski, H., La Monaca, F., Latronico, L., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Marin, F., Marinucci, A., Massaro, F., Matt, G., Mitsuishi, I., Ng, C.-Y., O’Dell, S. L., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Pavlov, G. G., Peirson, A. L., Pesce-Rollins, M., Petrucci, P.-O., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Ramsey, B. D., Rankin, J., Ratheesh, A., Romani, R. W., Sgró, C., Slane, P., Soffitta, P., Spandre, G., Tamagawa, T., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Tennant, A. F., Thomas, N. E., Tombesi, F., Trois, A., Tsygankov, S., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Weisskopf, M. C., Wu, K., Xie, F., & Zane, S., “X-Ray Polarization Observations of BL Lacertae”., 2023, The Astrophysical Journal, 942, L10.

  12. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Carnerero, M. I., Savchenko, S. S., Kurtanidze, S. O., Vlasyuk, V. V., Marchini, A., Matsumoto, K., Lorey, C., Joner, M. D., Gazeas, K., Carosati, D., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Acosta Pulido, J. A., Agudo, I., Bachev, R., Benítez, E., Borman, G. A., Calcidese, P., Chen, W. P., Damljanovic, G., Ehgamberdiev, S. A., Elsässer, D., Feige, M., Frasca, A., Gaur, H., Grishina, T. S., Gupta, A. C., Hiriart, D., Holland, M., Horst, B., Ibryamov, S., Ivanidze, R. Z., Jensen, J., Jithesh, V., Jovanovic, M. D., Kiehlmann, S., Kimeridze, G. N., Kishore, S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kurtanidze, O. M., Larionova, E. G., Lin, H. C., Mannheim, K., Marinelli, C., Moreira Reyes, J., Morozova, D. A., Nikolashvili, M. G., Reinhart, D., Romanov, F. D., Semkov, E., Seufert, J., Shishkina, E. V., Sigua, L. A., Skalidis, R., Spiridonova, O. I., Stojanovic, M., Strigachev, A., Troitskaya, Y. V., Troitskiy, I. S., Tsai, A., Vasilyev, A. A., Vince, O., Vrontaki, K., Wani, K., Watts, D., & Zhovtan, A. V., “Extreme photometric and polarimetric variability of blazar S4 0954+65 at its maximum optical and γ-ray brightness levels”., 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, 4502.

  13. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Acosta Pulido, J. A., Carosati, D., Chen, W. P., Joner, M. D., Kurtanidze, S. O., Lorey, C., Marchini, A., Matsumoto, K., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Savchenko, S. S., Strigachev, A., Vince, O., Aceti, P., Apolonio, G., Arena, C., Arkharov, A., Bachev, R., Bader, N., Banfi, M., Bonnoli, G., Borman, G. A., Bozhilov, V., Brown, L. F., Carbonell, W., Carnerero, M. I., Damljanovic, G., Dhiman, V., Ehgamberdiev, S. A., Elsaesser, D., Feige, M., Gabellini, D., Galán, D., Galli, G., Gaur, H., Gazeas, K., Grishina, T. S., Gupta, A. C., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Hallum, M. K., Hart, M., Hasuda, K., Heidemann, K., Horst, B., Hou, W.-J., Ibryamov, S., Ivanidze, R. Z., Jovanovic, M. D., Kimeridze, G. N., Kishore, S., Klimanov, S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kushwaha, P., Lane, D. J., Larionova, E. G., Leonini, S., Lin, H. C., Mannheim, K., Marino, G., Minev, M., Modaressi, A., Morozova, D. A., Mortari, F., Nazarov, S. V., Nikolashvili, M. G., Otero Santos, J., Ovcharov, E., Papini, R., Pinter, V., Privitera, C. A., Pursimo, T., Reinhart, D., Roberts, J., Romanov, F. D., Rosenlehner, K., Sakamoto, T., Salvaggio, F., Schoch, K., Semkov, E., Seufert, J., Shakhovskoy, D., Sigua, L. A., Singh, C., Steineke, R., Stojanovic, M., Tripathi, T., Troitskaya, Y. V., Troitskiy, I. S., Tsai, A., Valcheva, A., Vasilyev, A. A., Vrontaki, K., Weaver, Z. R., Wooley, J. H. F., Zaharieva, E., & Zhovtan, A. V., “The optical behaviour of BL Lacertae at its maximum brightness levels: a blend of geometry and energetics”., 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 102.

  14. Reig, P., Tzouvanou, A., Blinov, D., & Pantoulas, V., “Long-term optical variability of the Be/X-ray binary GRO J2058+42”., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 671, A48.

  15. Skalidis, R., Gkimisi, K., Tassis, K., Panopoulou, G. V., Pelgrims, V., Tritsis, A., & Goldsmith, P. F., “CO enhancement by magnetohydrodynamic waves. Striations in the Polaris Flare”., 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 673, A76.


  1. Boumis, P., Chiotellis, A., Fragkou, V., Akras, S., Derlopa, S., Kopsacheili, M., Leonidaki, I., Alikakos, J., Palaiologou, E. V., Harvey, E., & Souropanis, D., “Deep optical study of the mixed-morphology supernova remnant G 132.7+1.3 (HB3).”, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512, 1658.

  2. Chand, K., & Gopal-Krishna, “Persistence of the blazar state in flat-spectrum radio quasars.”, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516, L18.

  3. Krawczynski, H., Muleri, F., Dovčiak, M., Veledina, A., Rodriguez Cavero, N., Svoboda, J., Ingram, A., Matt, G., Garcia, J. A., Loktev, V., Negro, M., Poutanen, J., Kitaguchi, T., Podgorný, J., Rankin, J., Zhang, W., Berdyugin, A., Berdyugina, S. V., Bianchi, S., Blinov, D., Capitanio, F., Di Lalla, N., Draghis, P., Fabiani, S., Kagitani, M., Kravtsov, V., Kiehlmann, S., Latronico, L., Lutovinov, A. A., Mandarakas, N., Marin, F., Marinucci, A., Miller, J. M., Mizuno, T., Molkov, S. V., Omodei, N., Petrucci, P.-O., Ratheesh, A., Sakanoi, T., Semena, A. N., Skalidis, R., Soffitta, P., Tennant, A. F., Thalhammer, P., Tombesi, F., Weisskopf, M. C., Wilms, J., Zhang, S., Agudo, I., Antonelli, L. A., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bongiorno, S. D., Bonino, R., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Castellano, S., Cavazzuti, E., Ciprini, S., Costa, E., De Rosa, A., Del Monte, E., Di Gesu, L., Di Marco, A., Donnarumma, I., Doroshenko, V., Ehlert, S. R., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Ferrazzoli, R., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Heyl, J., Iwakiri, W., Jorstad, S. G., Karas, V., Kolodziejczak, J. J., La Monaca, F., Liodakis, I., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, H. L., Mitsuishi, I., Ng, C.-Y., O’Dell, S. L., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Pavlov, G. G., Peirson, A. L., Perri, M., Pesce-Rollins, M., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Puccetti, S., Ramsey, B. D., Romani, R. W., Sgrò, C., Slane, P., Spandre, G., Tamagawa, T., Tavecchio, F., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Thomas, N. E., Trois, A., Tsygankov, S., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Wu, K., Xie, F., & Zane, S., “Polarized x-rays constrain the disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1.”, 2022, Science, 378, 650.

  4. Kyritsis, E., Maravelias, G., Zezas, A., Bonfini, P., Kovlakas, K., & Reig, P., “A new automated tool for the spectral classification of OB stars.”, 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 657, A62.

  5. Liodakis, I., Marscher, A. P., Agudo, I., Berdyugin, A. V., Bernardos, M. I., Bonnoli, G., Borman, G. A., Casadio, C., Casanova, V., Cavazzuti, E., Rodriguez Cavero, N., Di Gesu, L., Di Lalla, N., Donnarumma, I., Ehlert, S. R., Errando, M., Escudero, J., García-Comas, M., Agís-González, B., Husillos, C., Jormanainen, J., Jorstad, S. G., Kagitani, M., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kravtsov, V., Krawczynski, H., Lindfors, E., Larionova, E. G., Madejski, G. M., Marin, F., Marchini, A., Marshall, H. L., Morozova, D. A., Massaro, F., Masiero, J. R., Mawet, D., Middei, R., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Myserlis, I., Negro, M., Nilsson, K., O’Dell, S. L., Omodei, N., Pacciani, L., Paggi, A., Panopoulou, G. V., Peirson, A. L., Perri, M., Petrucci, P.-O., Poutanen, J., Puccetti, S., Romani, R. W., Sakanoi, T., Savchenko, S. S., Sota, A., Tavecchio, F., Tinyanont, S., Vasilyev, A. A., Weaver, Z. R., Zhovtan, A. V., Antonelli, L. A., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bianchi, S., Bongiorno, S. D., Bonino, R., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Capitanio, F., Castellano, S., Ciprini, S., Costa, E., De Rosa, A., Del Monte, E., Di Marco, A., Doroshenko, V., Dovčiak, M., Enoto, T., Evangelista, Y., Fabiani, S., Ferrazzoli, R., Garcia, J. A., Gunji, S., Hayashida, K., Heyl, J., Iwakiri, W., Karas, V., Kitaguchi, T., Kolodziejczak, J. J., La Monaca, F., Latronico, L., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Marinucci, A., Matt, G., Mitsuishi, I., Mizuno, T., Muleri, F., Ng, S. C.-Y., Oppedisano, C., Papitto, A., Pavlov, G. G., Pesce-Rollins, M., Pilia, M., Possenti, A., Ramsey, B. D., Rankin, J., Ratheesh, A., Sgró, C., Slane, P., Soffitta, P., Spandre, G., Tamagawa, T., Taverna, R., Tawara, Y., Tennant, A. F., Thomas, N. E., Tombesi, F., Trois, A., Tsygankov, S., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Weisskopf, M. C., Wu, K., Xie, F., & Zane, S., “Polarized blazar X-rays imply particle acceleration in shocks.”, 2022, Nature, 611, 677.

  6. Liu, W., Yan, J., Reig, P., Wang, X., Xiao, G., Lin, H., Zhang, X., Sai, H., Chen, Z., Yan, S., & Liu, Q., “Multiwavelength observations of Swift J0243.6+6124 from 2017 to 2022.”, 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, A110.

  7. Maharana, S., Anche, R. M., Ramaprakash, A. N., Joshi, B., Basyrov, A., Blinov, D., Casadio, C., Deka, K., Eriksen, H. K., Ghosh, T., Gjerløw, E., Kypriotakis, J. A., Kiehlmann, S., Mandarakas, N., Panopoulou, G. V., Papadaki, K., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T. J., Pelgrims, V., Potter, S. B., Readhead, A. C. S., Skalidis, R., Svalheim, T. L., Tassis, K., & Wehus, I. K., “WALOP-South: a four-camera one-shot imaging polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey. Paper II – polarimetric modeling and calibration.”, 2022, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 8, 038004.

  8. Palaiologou, E. V., Leonidaki, I., & Kopsacheili, M., “First optical identification of the SRG/eROSITA-detected supernova remnant G 116.6 – 26.1. I. Preliminary results.”, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 339.

  9. Peirson, A. L., Liodakis, I., & Romani, R. W., “Testing High-energy Emission Models for Blazars with X-Ray Polarimetry.”, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 931, 59.

  10. Reig, P., & Fabregat, J., “Fast time optical variability in Be/X-ray binaries. Pulsation and rotation.”, 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667, A18.

  11. Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., Panopoulou, G. V., Pineda, J. L., Gong, Y., Mandarakas, N., Blinov, D., Kiehlmann, S., & Kypriotakis, J. A., “HI-H2 transition: Exploring the role of the magnetic field. A case study toward the Ursa Major cirrus.”, 2022, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 665, A77.

  12. Zidarova, G., Ibryamov, S., Semkov, E., & Peneva, S., “Long-term optical photometry of the PMS stars V2764 Ori and LkHα 301 in the field of the McNeil’s Nebula.”, 2022, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, 37, 54.


  1. Schönfelder, V., Greiner, J., “Half-a-century of gamma-ray astrophysics at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics”, 2021, The European Physical Journal, 46, 27

  2. Ibryamov, S., Zidarova, G., Semkov, E., Peneva, S., “Long-term V (RI)c CCD photometry of pre-main-sequence stars in the association Cepheus OB3”, 2021, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,21, 192

  3. Kiehlmann, S., Blinov, D., Liodakis, I, et al, “The time-dependent distribution of optical polarization angle changes in blazars”, 2021, MNRAS, 507, 225

  4. Kouroumpatzakis, K., Zezas, A., Maragkoudakis, A.. et al, “The Star Formation Reference Survey – V. The effect of extinction, stellar mass, metallicity, and nuclear activity on star-formation rates based on H α emission”, 2021, MNRAS, 506, 3079

  5. Semkov, E. H., Peneva, S. P., Ibryamov, S. I., “Long-term Optical Photometric Monitoring of the FUor Star V900 Mon”, 2021, MNRAS, 501, 3715

  6. Maharana, S., Kypriotakis, J. A.; Ramaprakash, A. N., “WALOP-South: a four-camera one-shot imaging polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey. Paper I—optical design”, 2021, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 7, 1, 014004

  7. Blinov, D., Kiehlmann, S., Pavlidou, V. et al, “RoboPol: AGN polarimetric monitoring data”, 2021, MNRAS, 501, 3715 


  1. Blinov, D., Casadio, C., Mandarakas, N., Angelakis, E. “Global alignments of parsec-scale AGN radio jets and their polarization planes”, 2020, A&A, 635, A102
  2. Cohen, M. H., Savolainen, T. , “180° rotations in the polarization angle for blazars”, 2020, A&A, 636, A79
  3. Derlopa, S., Boumis, P., Chiotellis, A., Steffen, W., Akras, S. “First 3D morpho-kinematic model of supernova remnants. The case of VRO 42.05.01 (G166.0+4.3)”, 2020, MNRAS, 499, 5410
  4. Friedman, Andrew S., Gerasimov, Roman, Leon, David, Stevens, Walker, Tytler, David, Keating, BrianG., Kislat, Fabian “Improved constraints on anisotropic birefringent Lorentz invariance and C P T violation from broadband optical polarimetry of high redshift galaxies”, 2020PhRvD, 102, 043008
  5. Harvey, E. J., Redman, M. P., Boumis, P., Akras, S., Fitzgerald, K., Dulaimi, S., Williams, S. C., Darnley, M. J., Lam, M. C., Kopsacheilli, M., Derlopa, S “Two new nova shells associated with V4362 Sagittarii and DO Aquilae”, 2020, MNRAS, 499, 2959
  6. Ibryamov, Sunay, Semkov, Evgeni, Peneva, Stoyanka “BV (RI)c photometric study of three variable PMS stars in the field of V733 Cephei” 2020, RAA, 20, 194I 
  7. Kouroumpatzakis, K., Zezas, A., Sell, P., Kovlakas, K., Bonfini, P., Willner, S. P., Ashby, M. L. N., Maragkoudakis, A. “Sub-galactic scaling relations between X-ray luminosity, star formation rate, and stellar mass”, 2020, MNRAS, 494,5967
  8. Kovalev, Y. Y., Zobnina, D. I., Plavin, A. V., Blinov, D., “Optical polarization properties of AGNs with significant VLBI-Gaia offsets”, 2020, MNRAS, 493, L54
  9. Liodakis, I., Blinov, D., Jorstad, S. G., “Two Flares with One Shock: The Interesting Case of 3C 454.3”,2020, ApJ, 902, 61
  10. Paranjpye, D., Mahabal, A., Ramaprakash, A. N., Panopoulou, G. V., Cleary, K., Readhead, A. C. S., Blinov, D., Tassis, K. “Eliminating artefacts in polarimetric images using deep learning”, 2020, MNRAS, 491, 5151
  11. Reig, P., Fabregat, J., Alfonso-Garzón, J. “Optical counterpart to Swift J0243.6+6124”, 2020, A&A, 640, A35R 
  12. Weaver, Z. R., Williamson, K. E., Jorstad, S. G.et al. “Multiwavelength Variability of BL Lacertae Measured with High Time Resolution”, 2020, ApJ, 900, 137
  13. Wyrzykowski, Ł., Mróz, P., Rybicki, K. A et al. “Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16aye”, 2020, A&A, 633, A98


  1. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., “The RoboPol Program: Optical Polarimetric Monitoring of Blazars”, 2019, Galaxies, 7, 46

  2. D’Ammando, F., Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M. et al., “Investigating the multiwavelength behaviour of the flat spectrum radio quasar CTA 102 during 2013-2017”, 2019, MNRAS, 490, 5300

  3. Gaur, H., Gupta, A. C., Bachev, R., et al., “Optical variability of TeV blazars on long time-scales”, 2019, MNRAS, 484, 5633

  4. Liodakis, I. Blinov, D. “Probing the unidentified Fermi blazar-like population using optical polarization and machine learning”, 2019, MNRAS, 486, 3415

  5. Liodakis, I., Peirson, A. L., & Romani, R.W. “Prospects for Detecting X-Ray Polarization in Blazar Jets”, 2019, ApJ, 880, 29

  6. Mandarakas, N., Blinov, D., Liodakis, I., et al., “Search for AGN counterparts of unidentified Fermi-LAT sources with optical polarimetry. Demonstration of the technique”, 2019, A&A, 623, A61

  7. Panopoulou, G.V., Hensley, B.S., Skalidis, R., et al. “Extreme starlight polarization in a region with highly polarized dust emission”, 2019, A&A, 624, L8

  8. Panopoulou, G. V., Tassis, K., Skalidis, R. et al., “Demonstration of Magnetic Field Tomography with Starlight Polarization toward a Diffuse Sightline of the ISM”, 2019, ApJ, 872, 56

  9. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Carnerero, M. I., et al., “The beamed jet and quasar core of the distant blazar 4C 71.07”, 2019, MNRAS, 489, 1837

  10. Ramaprakash, A. N., Rajarshi, C. V., Das, H. K., et al., “RoboPol: a four-channel optical imaging polarimeter”, 2019, MNRAS, 485, 2355

  11. Semkov, E. H., Ibryamov, S. I., Peneva, S. P., “Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of Five Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the Vicinity of NGC 7129”, 2019, SerAJ, 199, 39

  12. Williams, S. J., Ryle, W. T.; Matson, R. A., et al., “System Parameters for the Eclipsing B-star Binary BD+11°3569”, 2019, AJ, 158, 118


  1. Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arcaro, C., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barresde Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., BecerraGonzález, J., and 269 coauthors, “Extreme HBL behavior of Markarian 501 during 2012”, (2018), A&A, 620, A181.

  2. Angelakis, E., Kiehlmann, S., Myserlis, I., Blinov, D., Eggen, J., Itoh, R., Marchili, N. & Zensus, J. A., “Optical polarisation variability of radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Search for long rotations of the polarisation plane”, (2018), A&A, 618, A92.

  3. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G. V., Angelakis, E., Baloković, M., Hovatta, T., King, O. G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Maharana, S., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T. J., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A. C. S., Reig, P., Tassis, K. & Zensus, J. A., “RoboPol: connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars”, (2018), MNRAS, 474, 1296.

  4. Ibryamov, S., Semkov, E., Peneva, S. & Karadeniz, U. \u . {g . }ur ., “Multicolor photometric behavior of the young stellar object V1704 Cygni”, (2018), Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, 29, 10.

  5. Ibryamov, S. I., Semkov, E. H. & Peneva, S. P., “V2492 Cygni: Optical BVRI Variability During the Period 2010-2017”, (2018), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 35, e007.

  6. Pittori, C., Lucarelli, F., Verrecchia, F., Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Vittorini, V., Tavani, M., Puccetti, S., Perri, M., Donnarumma, I., and 27 coathours, “The Bright γ-ray Flare of 3C 279 in 2015 June: AGILE Detection and Multifrequency Follow-up Observations”, (2018), ApJ, 856, 99.

  7. Reig, P. & Blinov, D., “Warped disks during type II outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries: evidence from optical polarimetry”, (2018), A&A, 619, A19.

  8. Reig, P. & Zezas, A., “Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J06074+2205”, (2018), A&A, 613, A52.

  9. Skalidis, R., Panopoulou, G. V., Tassis, K., Pavlidou, V., Blinov, D., Komis, I. & Liodakis, I., “Local measurements of the mean interstellar polarization at high Galactic latitudes”, (2018), A&A, 616, A52.

  10. Słowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Żejmo, M., Blinov, D. & Reig, P., “Optical linear polarization of helium-rich white dwarfs samplewith the RoboPol polarimeter”, (2018), MNRAS, 479, 5312.

  11. Słowikowska, A.; Krzeszowski, K.; Żejmo, M.; Blinov, D.; Reig, P., “Optical polarimetry studies of white dwarfs”, (2018), CoSka..48..245.


  1. Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arcaro, C., Babić, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barresde Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., BecerraGonzález, J., and 269 coauthors, “Extreme HBL behavior of Markarian 501 during 2012”, (2018), A&A, 620, A181.

  2. Angelakis, E., Kiehlmann, S., Myserlis, I., Blinov, D., Eggen, J., Itoh, R., Marchili, N. & Zensus, J. A., “Optical polarisation variability of radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Search for long rotations of the polarisation plane”, (2018), A&A, 618, A92.

  3. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G. V., Angelakis, E., Baloković, M., Hovatta, T., King, O. G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Maharana, S., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T. J., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A. C. S., Reig, P., Tassis, K. & Zensus, J. A., “RoboPol: connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars”, (2018), MNRAS, 474, 1296.

  4. Ibryamov, S., Semkov, E., Peneva, S. & Karadeniz, U. \u . {g . }ur ., “Multicolor photometric behavior of the young stellar object V1704 Cygni”, (2018), Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, 29, 10.

  5. Ibryamov, S. I., Semkov, E. H. & Peneva, S. P., “V2492 Cygni: Optical BVRI Variability During the Period 2010-2017”, (2018), Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 35, e007.

  6. Pittori, C., Lucarelli, F., Verrecchia, F., Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Vittorini, V., Tavani, M., Puccetti, S., Perri, M., Donnarumma, I., and 27 coathours, “The Bright γ-ray Flare of 3C 279 in 2015 June: AGILE Detection and Multifrequency Follow-up Observations”, (2018), ApJ, 856, 99.

  7. Reig, P. & Blinov, D., “Warped disks during type II outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries: evidence from optical polarimetry”, (2018), A&A, 619, A19.

  8. Reig, P. & Zezas, A., “Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J06074+2205”, (2018), A&A, 613, A52.

  9. Skalidis, R., Panopoulou, G. V., Tassis, K., Pavlidou, V., Blinov, D., Komis, I. & Liodakis, I., “Local measurements of the mean interstellar polarization at high Galactic latitudes”, (2018), A&A, 616, A52.

  10. Słowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Żejmo, M., Blinov, D. & Reig, P., “Optical linear polarization of helium-rich white dwarfs samplewith the RoboPol polarimeter”, (2018), MNRAS, 479, 5312.

  11. Słowikowska, A.; Krzeszowski, K.; Żejmo, M.; Blinov, D.; Reig, P., “Optical polarimetry studies of white dwarfs”, (2018), CoSka..48..245.


  1. Bąkowska, K.; Olech, A.; Pospieszyński, R.; Świerczyński, E.; Martinelli, F.; Rutkowski, A.; Koff, R.; Drozd, K.; Butkiewicz-Bąk, M.; Kankiewicz, P., “MN Draconis: a peculiar, active dwarf nova in the period gap”, 2017, A&A, 603A, 72

  2. Carnerero, M.I;  Raiteri, C.M.; MVillata, M; Acosta-Pulido, J.A. ; Larionov, V.M. ;  Smith, P.S.; D’Ammando F. for the GASP-WEBT collaboration “Dissecting the long-term emission behaviour of the BL Lac object Mrk 421”, 2017, MNRAS, 472, 3789

  3. Gaur, Haritma; Gupta, Alok; Bachev, Rumen; Strigachev, Anton; Semkov, Evgeni; Wiita, Paul; Gu, Minfeng; Ibryamov, Sunay “Multi-Band Intra-Night Optical Variability of BL Lacertae”, 2017, Galax, 5, 94

  4. Itumeleng M. Monageng, Vanessa A. McBride, Malcolm J. Coe, Iain A. Steele, Pablo Reig, “On the relationship between circumstellar disc size and X-ray outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries”, 2017, MNRAS, 464, 572

  5. Kiehlmann, S.; Blinov, D.; Pearson, T. J.; Liodakis, I., “Optical EVPA rotations in blazars: testing a stochastic variability model with RoboPol data”, 2017, MNRAS, 472, 3589

  6. Liodakis, I.; Blinov, D.; Papadakis, I.; Pavlidou, V., “Estimating the distribution of rest-frame time-scales for blazar jets: a statistical approach”, 2017, MNRAS, 465, 4783

  7. Nasiroglu, Ilham; Goździewski, Krzysztof; Słowikowska, Aga; Krzeszowski, Krzysztof; Żejmo, Michał; Zola, Staszek; Er, Huseyin; Ogłoza, Waldemar; Dróżdż, Marek; Koziel-Wierzbowska, Dorota; Debski, Bartlomiej; Karaman, Nazli, “Is There a Circumbinary Planet around NSVS 14256825?”, 2017, AJ, 153, 137

  8. Raiteri, C. M.; Nicastro, F.; Stamerra, A.; Villata, M.; Larionov, V. M.; Blinov, D.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Arévalo, M. J.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bachev, R.; and 52 coauthors “Synchrotron emission from the blazar PG 1553+113. An analysis of its flux and polarization variability”, 2017, MNRAS, 466, 3762 

  9. Reig, P.; Blay, P.; Blinov, D., “The optical counterpart to the Be/X-ray binary SAX J2239.3+6116”, 2017, A&A, 598, A16

  10. Semkov, Evgeni H.; Ibryamov, Sunay I.; Peneva, Stoyanka P., “A deep decrease event in the brightness of the PMS star V350 Cep”, 2017, BlgAJ, 27, 75

  11. Semkov, Evgeni H.; Peneva, Stoyanka P.; Ibryamov, Sunay I., “Photometric and spectroscopic study of the new FUor star V2493 Cyg”, 2017, BlgAJ, 26, 57

  12. Uemura, M; Itoh, R.; Liodakis, I.; Blinov, D.; Nakayama, M; Xu, L.; Sawada, N.; Wu, H.-Y.; Fujishiro, I.; “Optical polarization variations in the blazar PKS 1749+096”, 2017, PASJ, 69, 96

  13. Żejmo, Michał; Słowikowska, Aga; Krzeszowski, Krzysztof; Reig, Pablo; Blinov, Dmitry, “Optical linear polarization of 74 white dwarfs with the RoboPol polarimeter”, 2017, MNRAS,464, 1294


  1. Angelakis, E.; Hovata, T.; Blinov, D., et al., “RoboPol: the optical polarization of gamma-ray-loud and gamma-ray-quiet blazars”, 2016, MNRAS, 463, 3365

  2. Blinov, D.; Pavlidou, V.; Papadakis, I., et al., “RoboPol: Do optical polarization rotations occur in all blazars?” 2016, MNRAS, 462, 2011

  3. Blinov, D.; Pavlidou, V.; Papadakis, I. E. et al., “RoboPol: optical polarization-plane rotations and flaring activity in blazars”, 2016, MNRAS, 457, 2252

  4. Fuhrmann, L.; Angelakis, E.; Zensus, J. A., et al., “The F-GAMMA program: Multi-frequency study of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Fermi era. Program description and the first 2.5 years of monitoring”, 2016, A&A, 596 A45

  5. Gupta, Alok C.; Agarwal, A.; Bhagwan, J.; Strigachev, A.; Bachev, R.; Semkov, E.; Gaur, H.; Damljanovic, G.; Vince, O.; Wiita, Paul J., “Multiband optical variability of three TeV blazars on diverse time-scales”, 2016, MNRAS, 458, 1127

  6. Ibryamov, Sunay I.; Semkov, Evgeni H., “Photometric variability of 14 PMS stars in the NGC 7000/IC 5070 complex”, 2016, BlgAJ, 24, 62I

  7. Larionov, V. M.; Villata, M.; Raiteri, C. M., et al, “Exceptional outburst of the blazar CTA 102 in 2012: the GASP-WEBT campaign and its extension”, 2016, MNRAS, 461, 3047

  8. Panopoulou, G. V.; Psaradaki, I.; Tassis, K. “The magnetic field and dust filaments in the Polaris Flare”, 2016, MNRAS, 462, 1517

  9. Reig, P. Milonaki, F., “Accretion regimes in the X-ray pulsar 4U 1901+03”, 2016, A&A, 594, A45

  10. Reig, P.; Nersesian, A.; Zezas, A., Gkouvelis, L.; Coe, M. J., “Long-term optical variability of high-mass X-ray binaries. II. Spectroscopy”, 2016, A&A, 590, A122

  11. Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Kanbach, G.; Rau, A., and H. Steinle, “Optical microflaring on the nearby flare star binary UV Ceti”, 2016, A&A, 589, A48


  1. Agarwal, Aditi, Gupta, Alok C., Bachev, R., Strigachev, A., Semkov, E., Wiita, Paul J., Böttcher, M., Boeva, S.; Gaur, H., Gu, M.F., Peneva, S., Ibryamov, S., “Multiband optical-NIR variability of blazars on diverse time-scales”, 2015, MNRAS, 451, 3882

  2. Akras, S., Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Alikakos, J., López, J. A., Gonçalves, D. R., “Evidence for a [WR] or WEL-type binary nucleus in the bipolar planetary nebula Vy 1-2”, 2015, MNRAS, 451, 3882

  3. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Panopoulou, G., Liodakis, I., King, O. G., Angelakis, E., Baloković, M., Das, H., and 19 coauthors, “RoboPol: first season rotations of optical polarization plane in blazars”, 2015, MNRAS, 453, 1669

  4. Furniss, A. et al., “First NuSTAR Observations of Mrk 501 within a Radio to TeV Multi-Instrument Campaign”, 2015, ApJ, 812, 65

  5. Gaur, H. et al., “Optical and radio variability of BL Lacertae”, 2015, A&A, 582, 103

  6. Gaur, H. et al., “Nature of intranight optical variability of BL Lacertae”, 2015, MNRAS, 452, 4263

  7. Goździewski, K., Słowikowska, A., Dimitrov, D., Krzeszowski, K., Żejmo, M., Kanbach, G., Burwitz, V., Rau, A., Irawati, P., Richichi, A., Gawroński, M., Nowak, G., Nasiroglu, I., Kubicki, D., “The HU Aqr planetary system hypothesis revisited”,   2015, MNRAS, 448, 1118

  8. Ibryamov, S. Semkov, E., Peneva, S., “Long-term BVRI light curves of 5 pre-main sequence stars in the field of “Gulf of Mexico””,   2015, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 22, p. 3

  9. Ibryamov, S. Semkov, E., Peneva, S., “Long-Term Multicolour Photometry of the Young Stellar Objects FHO 26, FHO 27, FHO 28, FHO 29, and V1929 Cygni”,   2015, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 32, e011 doi:10.1017/pasa.2015.21

  10. Panopoulou, G., Tassis, K., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., King, O. G., Paleologou, E., Ramaprakash, A., Angelakis, E., Baloković, M., Das, H. K., and 19 coauthors, “Optical polarization map of the Polaris Flare with RoboPol”, 2015, MNRAS, 452, 715

  11. Raiteri, C.M. et al. ,”The WEBT campaign on the BL Lac object PG 1553+113 in 2013. An analysis of the enigmatic synchrotron emission”, 2015, MNRAS, 454, 353

  12. Reig, P., Fabregat, J.,”Long-term variability of high-mass X-ray binaries. I. Photometry”, 2015, A&A, 574A, 33

  13. Semkov, E.H. et al.,”The Unusual Photometric Variability of the PMS Star GM Cep”, 2015, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 32, e011 doi:10.1017/pasa.2015.11.

  14. Semkov, E.H., Peneva, S.P., Ibryamov, S.I.,”The pre-main-sequence star V1184 Tauri (CB 34V) at the end of prolonged eclipse”, 2015, A&A, 582, 113

  15. Shafter, A. W. et al.,”Recurrent Novae in M31″, 2015, ApJ Supp, 216, 34

  16. Vučetić, M. M., Arbutina, B., Urošević, D., “Optical supernova remnants in nearby galaxies and their influence on star formation rates derived from Halpha emission”,   2015, MNRAS, 446, 943


  1. Aleksic, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Bangale, P., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., and 139 coauthors, “MAGIC search for VHE gamma-ray emission from AE Aquarii in a multiwavelength context”, 2014, A&A, 568, 109

  2. Bachev, R., Strigachev, A., Semkov, E., Boeva, S., Peneva, S., Ibryamov, S., Stoyanov, K., Spassov, B., Tsvetkova, S., Mihov, B., and 2 coauthors, “Photometric reverberation mapping of Markarian 279”, 2014, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 20, p. 26

  3. Gaidos, E., Anderson, D. R., Lépine, S., Colón, K. D., Maravelias, G., Narita, N., Chang, E., Beyer, J., Fukui, A., Armstrong, J. D., and 5 coauthors, “Trawling for transits in a sea of noise: a search for exoplanets by analysis of WASP optical light curves and follow-up (SEAWOLF)”,   2014, MNRAS, 437, 3133

  4. Gaur, Haritma, “Optical Spectral Variability of Blazars”, 2014, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp.241-245

  5. Ibryamov, S. Semkov, E., Peneva, S., “A long-term UBVRI photometric study of the pre-main sequence star V350 Cep”, 2014, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 14, Issue 10, article id. 1264-1268

  6. King, O. G., Blinov, D., Giannios, D., Papadakis, I., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., and 16 coauthors, “Early-time polarized optical light curve of GRB 131030A”,   2014, MNRAS, 445, L114

  7. King, O. G., Blinov, D., Ramaprakash, A. N., Myserlis, I., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., and 19 coauthors, “The RoboPol pipeline and control system”,  2014, MNRAS, 442 1706

  8. Pavlidou, V., Angelakis, E., Myserlis, I., Blinov, D., King, O. G., Papadakis, I., Tassis, K., Hovatta, T., Pazderska, B., Paleologou, E., and 16 coauthors, “The RoboPol optical polarization survey of gamma-ray-loud blazars”,   2014, MNRAS, 442, 1693

  9. Poljancic, Beljan I., Jurdana-Sepic, R., Semkov, E. H., Ibryamov, S., Peneva, S. P., Tsvetkov, M. K., “Long-term photometric observations of pre-main sequence objects in the field of North America/Pelican Nebula”, 2014, A&A, 568, 49

  10. Reig, P. & Zezas, A., “Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738” 2014, MNRAS, 442, 472

  11. Reig, P., Zezas, A., “Disc-loss episode in the Be shell optical counterpart to the high-mass X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738”, 2014, A&A, 561, A13

  12. Reig, P. , Blinov, D., Papadakis, I., Kylafis, N., Tassis, K., “The high optical polarization in the Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375”, 2014, MNRAS, 445, 4235

  13. Reig, P., Doroshenko, V., Zezas, A., “The quiescent state of the accreting X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545”, 2014, MNRAS, 445, 1314

  14. Semkov, Evgeni H., Peneva, Stoyanka P., Ibryamov, Sunay I., Dimitrov, Dinko P., “The unusual photometric behavior of the new FUor star V2493 Cyg (HBC 722)”,   2014, Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 20, p.59


  1. Kapanadze, Bidzina Z., “Catalog and Statistical Study of X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects”,   2013, AJ, 145, 189

  2. Leonidaki, I., Boumis, P., Zezas, A., “A multiwavelength study of supernova remnants in six nearby galaxies – II. New optically selected supernova remnants”,   2013, MNRAS, 429, 189

  3. Semkov, E. H., Peneva, S. P., Munari, U., Dennefeld, M., Mito, H., Dimitrov, D. P., Ibryamov, S., Stoyanov, K. A., “Photometric and spectroscopic variability of the FUor star V582 Aurigae”, 2013, A&A, 556, 60

  4. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., D’Ammando, F., Larionov, V. M., Gurwell, M. A., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Smith, P. S., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Agudo, I., Arévalo, M. J., and 68 coauthors, “The awakening of BL Lacertae: observations by Fermi, Swift and the GASP-WEBT”, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1530

  5. Zaninoni, E., Bernardini, M.G., Margutti, R., Oates, S., Chincarini, G., “Gamma-ray burst optical light-curve zoo: comparison with X-ray observations”,   2013, A&A, 557, 12 


  1. Bachelet, E., et al., “A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA 2009-BLG-411L”, 2012, A&A, 547, 55

  2. Gaur, H., Gupta, A., C., Strigachev, A., Bachev, R., Semkov, E., Wiita, P. J., Peneva, S., Boeva, S., Slavcheva-Mihova, L., Mihov, B., Latev, G., Pandey, U. S., “Optical flux and spectral variability of Blazars”, 2012, MNRAS, 425, 3002

  3. Galan, C., et al., “International observational campaigns of the last two eclipses in EE Cephei: 2003 and 2008/9”, 2012, MNRAS, 424, 2626

  4. Semkov, E., Peneva, S. P., Munari, U., Tsvetkov, M. K., Jurdana-Sepic, R., de Miguel, E., Schwartz, R. D., Dimitrov, D. P., Kjurkchieva, D. P., Radeva, V. S. “Optical photometric and spectral study of the new FU Orionis object V2493 Cygni (HBC 722)” 2012, A&A, 542, 43

  5. Gaur, H., Gupta, A.C., Strigachev, A., Bachev, R., Semkov, E., Wiita, P. J., Peneva, S., Boeva, S., Kacharov, N., Mihov, B., Ovcharov, E., “Quasi-simultaneous two-band optical variability of the blazars 1ES 1959+650 and 1ES 2344+514”, 2012, MNRAS, 420, 3147

  6. Gozdziewski, K., Nasiroglu, I., Slowikowska, A., Beuermann, K., Kanbach, G., Gauza, B., Maciejewski, A.J., Schwarz, R., Schwope, A. D., Hinse, T. C., Haghighipour, N., Burwitz, V., Slonina, M., Rau, A., “On the HU Aquarii planetary system hypothesis”, 2012, MNRAS, (in press)

  7. Liakos, A., Niarchos, P., Budding, E., “A fresh insight on the evolutionary status and third body hypothesis of the eclipsing binaries AD And, AL Cam and V338 Her”, 2012, A&A, 539, 129

  8. Liakos, A., Niarchos, P., Soydugan, E., Zasche, P., “Survey for δ Sct components in eclipsing binaries and new correlations between pulsation frequency and fundamental stellar characteristics”, 2012, MNRAS, 422, 1250

  9. Liakos, A., Niarchos, P., “A new photometric and spectroscopic study of the eclipsing binaries CC Her and CM Lac: Physical parameters and evolutionary status”, 2012, Ap&SS, Volume 340, Issue 2, pp.281-289

  10. Maravelias, G., Kardasis, E., Strikis, I.-M., Georgalas, B., Koutoulaki, M.. “Report From the epsilon Aurigae Campaign in Greece”, 2012, The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 679

  11. Nasiroglu, I., Słowikowska, A., Kanbach, G., Haberl, F., “Very fast photometric and X-ray observations of the intermediate polar V2069 Cygni (RX J2123.7+4217)”, 2012, MNRAS, 420, 3350

  12. Nespoli, E., Reig, P., & Zezas, A., “New insights into the Be/X-ray binary system MXB 0656-072”, 2012, A&A, 547, A103

  13. Rossi, A., et al. “A deep search for the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts with no detected optical afterglow”, 2012, A&A, 545, 77

  14. Semkov, E. H., Peneva, S. P. “Optical photometry of GM Cep: evidence for UXor type of variability”, 2012, Ap&SS, 338, 95


  1. Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., da Cunha, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Le Floc’h, E., Magdis, G., “A mid-IR study of Hickson compact groups. II. Multiwavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer sample”, 2011, A&A, 533, 142

  2. Ksanfomality, L. V., “Study of the unknown hemisphere of mercury by ground-based astronomical facilities”, 2011, SoSyR, 45, 281

  3. Lampens, P., Strigachev, A., Kim, S.-L., et al., “Multi-site, multi-year monitoring of the oscillating Algol-type eclipsing binary CT Herculis”, 2011, A&A, 534, 111

  4. Liakos, A., Bonfini, P., Niarchos, P., Hatzidimitriou, D., “Photometry and spectroscopy of the newly discovered eclipsing binary GSC 4589-2999”, 2011, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.332, Issue 6, p.602

  5. Reig, P., “Be/X-ray binaries”, 2011, Ap&SS, 332, 1

  6.  Semkov, Evgeni & Peneva, Stoyanka, “The new FUor star HBC 722 – one year after the outburst”, 2011, BlgAJ, 17, 88


  1. Fouqué, P.,et al., “OGLE 2008-BLG-290: an accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing”, 2010, A&A, 518, 51

  2. Günther, H. M. et al., “The absence of sub-minute periodicity in classical T Tauri stars”, 2010, A&A, 518, 54

  3. Meusinger, H., Henze, M., Birkle, K., Pietsch, W., Williams, B., Hatzidimitriou, D., Nesci, R., Mandel, H., Ertel, S., Hinze, A., Berthold, T., “J004457+4123 (Sharov 21): not a remarkable nova in M 31 but a background quasar with a spectacular UV flare”, 2010, A&A, 512, 1

  4. Peneva, S.P., Semkov, E.H., Munari, U., Birkle, K., “A long-term photometric study of the FU Orionis star V 733 Cephei”, 2010, A&A, 515, 24

  5. Pietsch, W., “X-ray emission from optical novae in M 31”, 2010, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.331, Issue 2, p.187

  6. Reig, P., Zezas, A., Gouvelis, L., “The optical counterpart to IGR J06074+2205: a Be/X-ray binary showing disc loss and V/R variability”, 2010, A&A, 522, 107

  7. Reig, P., Slowikoska, A., Zezas, A., Blay, P., “Correlated optical/X-ray variability in the high-mass X-ray binary SAX J2103.5+4545”, 2010, MNRAS, 401, 55

  8. Semkov, E.H., Peneva, S.P., Munari, U., Milani, A., Valisa, P., “The large amplitude outburst of the young star HBC 722 in NGC 7000/IC 5070, a new FU Orionis candidate”, 2010, A&A, 523, 3

  9. Uytterhoeven, K. et al., “Ground-based follow-up in relation to Kepler asteroseismic investigation”, 2010, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.331, Issue 9/10, p.993


  1. Anderhub, H. et al., “Correlated X-Ray and Very High Energy Emission in the Gamma-Ray Binary LS I +61 303”, 2009, ApJ, 706, 27

  2. Bonfini, P., Hatzidimitriou, D., Pietsch, W., Reig, P., “Spectroscopy of the bright optical counterparts of X-ray sources in the direction of M 31”, 2009, A&A, 507, 705

  3. Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Lloyd, M., Akras, S., “A long trail behind the planetary nebula HFG1 (PK 136+05) and its pre-cataclysmic binary central star V664 Cas”, 2009, MNRAS, 396, 1186

  4. Boumis, P., Xilouris, E. M., Alikakos, J., Christopoulou, P. E., Mavromatakis, F., Katsiyannis, A. C., Goudis, C. D., “Discovery of optical emission from the supernova remnant G 32.8-0.1 (Kes 78)”, 2009, A&A, 499, 789

  5. Gandhi, P., “The Flux-Dependent rms Variability of X-Ray Binaries in the Optical”, 2009, ApJ Letters, 697, 167

  6. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Caulet, A., “A new candidate supernova remnant G 70.5+1.9”, 2009, A&A, 503, 129

  7. Papadaki, C., Boffin, H.M.J., Stanishev, V., Boumis, P. Akras, S., Sterken, C., “Photometric study of selected cataclysmic variables II. Time-series photometry of nine systems”, 2009, JAD, 15, 1

  8. Peneva, S. P., Semkov, E. H., Stavrev, K. Y., “Photometric study of the FUor star V 1735 Cyg (Elias 1-12)”, 2009, Ap&,SS, 323, 329

  9. Schwarz, R., Schwope, A.D., Vogel, J., Dhillon, V.S., Marsh, T.R., Copperwheat, C., Littlefair, S.P., Kanbach, G., “Hunting high and low: XMM monitoring of the eclipsing polar HU Aquarii”, 2009, A&A, 496, 833


  1. Bachev, R., Strigachev, A., Semkov, E., Mihov, B., “Spectroscopy of bright quasars: emission lines and internal extinction”, 2008, A&A, 488, 977

  2. Boumis, P., Alikakos, J., Christopoulou, P. E., Mavromatakis, F., Xilouris, E. M., Goudis, C. D., “First optical detection of the supernova remnant G 15.1-1.6”, 2008, A&A, 481, 705

  3. Ksanfomality, L. V., “The surface of Mercury from ground-based astronomical observations” 2008, SoSyR, 42, 451

  4. Mihov, B. Bachev, R., Slavcheva-Mihova, L., Strigachev, A., Semkov, E., Petrov, G., “Photometric monitoring of the blazar 3C 345 for the period 1996-2006”, 2008, Astronomische Nachrichten, 329, 77

  5. Peneva, Stoianka P. & Semkov, Evgeni H., “Photometric monitoring of FUORs and EXORs” 2008, BlgAJ, 10, 29

  6. Raiteri, C. M., “A new activity phase of the blazar 3C 454.3. Multifrequency observations by the WEBT and XMM-Newton in 2007-2008”, 2008, A&A, 491, 755

  7. Semkov, E. H., Tsvetkov, M.K., Borisova, A.P., Stavrev, K.Y., Kroll, P., Berthold, T., Birkle, K., Mandel, H., Mito, H., Tarusawa, K., “A long-term photometric study of V 1184 Tauri” 2008, A&A, 483, 537

  8. Stefanescu, A., Kanbach, G., Słowikowska, A., Greiner, J., McBreen, S., Sala, G., “Very fast optical flaring from a possible new Galactic magnetar”, 2008, Nature, 455, 503


  1. Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Alikakos, J., Redman, M.P., Akras, S., Mavromatakis, F., López, J.A., Caulet, A., Goudis, C.D., “Deep optical observations of the interaction of the SS 433 microquasar jet with the W50 radio continuum shell”, 2007, MNRAS, 381, 308

  2. Hatzidimitriou, D., Reig, P., Manousakis, A., Pietsch, W., Burwitz, V., Papamastorakis, I., “M31N 2005-09c: a fast Fe II nova in the disk of M31”, 2007, A&A, 464, 1075

  3. Howarth, I.D., et al. “Towards an understanding of the Of?p star HD 191612: optical spectroscopy”, 2007, MNRAS, 381, 433

  4. Mavromatakis, F., Xilouris, E.M., Boumis, P., “The optical properties of the G89.0+4.7 (HB 21) supernova remnant”, 2007, A&A, 461, 991

  5. Papadakis, I. E., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., “The long-term optical spectral variability of BL Lacertae”, 2007, A&A, 470, 857

  6. Raiteri, C. M., “WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 454.3 during the post-outburst phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps”, 2007, A&A, 473, 819

  7. Reig, P., Larionov, V., Negueruela, I., Arkharov, A.A., Kudryavtseva, N.A., “The Be/X-ray transient 4U 0115+63/V635 Cassiopeiae. III. Quasi-cyclic variability”, 2007, A&A, 462, 281

  8. Smith, R., Vaughan, S., “X-ray and optical variability of Seyfert 1 galaxies as observed with XMM-Newton”, 2007, MNRAS, 375, 1479



  1. Blay, P., Negueruela, I., Reig P., Coe, M.J., Corbet, R.H.D., Fabregat, J., Tarasov, A.E., “Multiwavelength monitoring of BD +53°2790, the optical counterpart to 4U 2206+54”, 2006, A&A, 446, 1095

  2. Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Redman, M. P., Mavromatakis, F., “A deep mosaic of [O III]5007 Å CCD images of the environment of the LBV star P Cygni”, 2006, A&A, 457, 1

  3. Boumis, P., Akras, S., Xilouris, E.M., Mavromatakis, F., Kapakos, E., Papamastorakis, J., Goudis, C.D., “New planetary nebulae in the Galactic bulge region with l > 0°- II”, 2006, MNRAS, 367, 1551

  4. Coe, M.J., Reig, P., McBride, V.A., Galache, J.L., Fabregat, J., “A 0535+26: back in business”, 2006, MNRAS, 368, 447

  5. Georgantopoulos, I., Nandra, K., Brotherton, M., Georgakakis, A., Papadakis, I.E., O’Neill, P., “XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SHEEP sources”, 2006, MNRAS, 367, 1727

  6. Hatzidimitriou, D., Pietsch, W., Misanovic, Z., Reig, P., Haberl, F., “Spectroscopy of the brightest optical counterparts of X-ray sources in the direction of M31 and M33”, 2006, A&A, 451, 835

  7. Ksanfomality, L. V., “Earth-based optical imaging of Mercury” 2006, AdSpR, 38, 594

  8. Nordhagen, S., Herbst, W., Williams, E.C., Semkov, E., “The Recurrent Eclipse of an Unusual Pre-Main-Sequence Star in IC 348”, 2006, ApJ, 646, 2

  9. Papadaki, C., Boffin, H.M.J., Sterken, C., Stanishev, V., Cuypers, J., Boumis, P., Akras, S., and Alikakos, J., “Photometric study of selected cataclysmic variables”, 2006, A&A, 456, 599

  10. Patsis, P. A. & Xilouris, E. M., “Boxy/peanut `bulges’: comparing the structure of galaxies with the underlying families of periodic orbits” 2006, MNRAS, 366, 1121

  11. Raiteri, C., et al., “Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis”, 2006, A&A, 459, 731

  12. Semkov, E.H., “Photometric and spectroscopic variability of the pre-main sequence star V 1184 Tauri (CB 34V)”, 2006, AN, 327, 4, 328

  13. Xilouris, E.M., Papadakis, I.E, Boumis, P., Dapergolas, A., Alikakos, J., Papamastorakis, J., Smith, N., Goudis, C.D., “B and I-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac objects S5 2007+777 and 3C 371”, 2006, A&A, 448, 143


  1. Bachev, R., Strigachev, A., Semkov, E., “Short-term optical variability of high-redshift quasi-stellar objects”, 2006, MNRAS, 358, 774

  2. Boumis, P., Mavromatakis, F., Xilouris, E. M., Alikakos, J., Redman, M. P., Goudis, C.D., “Deep optical observations of the supernova remnants G 126.2+1.6, G 59.8+1.2 and G 54.4-0.3”, 2005, A&A 443, 175

  3. Böttcher, M., et al., “Coordinated Multiwavelength Observation of 3C 66A during the WEBT Campaign of 2003-2004”, 2005, ApJ, 631, 169

  4. Ksanformality, L., Papamastorakis, G., Thomas, N., “The Planet Mercury: Synthesis of resolved images of unknown part in the longitude range 250-290 degrees W”, 2005, Planetary and Space Science, 53, 849

  5. Ksanfomality, L. V., “Resolved Images of an Unknown Sector on the Surface of Mercury” 2005, AstL, 31, 767

  6. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Xilouris, E., Papamastorakis, J., Alikakos, J., “The faint supernova remnant G116.5+1.1 and the detection of a new candidate remnant”, 2005, A&A , 435, 141

  7. Meaburn, J., Boumis, P., López, J.A., Harman, D.J., Bryce, M., Redman, M.P., Mavromatakis, F., “The creation of the Helix planetary nebula (NGC 7293) by multiple events”, 2005, MNRAS, 360, 963

  8. Mikolajewski, M., et al., “Preliminary Photometric Results for the 2003 Eclipse of EE CEP”, 2005, Ap&SS, 296, 445

  9. Raiteri, C.M., et al., ” The WEBT campaign to observe AO 0235+16 in the 2003-2004 observing season. Results from radio-to-optical monitoring and XMM-Newton observations”, 2005, A&A, 438, 39

  10. Reig, P., Negueruela, I., Papamastorakis, G., Manousakis, A., Kougentakis, T., “Identification of the optical counterparts of high-mass X-ray binaries through optical photometry and spectroscopy”, 2005, A&A, 440, 637

  11. Reig, P., Negueruela, I., Fabregat, J., Chato, R., Coe, M.J., “Long-term optical/IR variability of the Be/X-ray binary LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431”, 2005, A&A, 440, 1079

  12. Sciare, J., Oikonomou, K., Cachier, H., Mihalopoulos, N., Andreae, M. O., Maenhaut, W., & Sarda-Estève, R., “Aerosol mass closure and reconstruction of the light scattering coefficient over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea during the MINOS campaign”, 2005, ACP, 5, 2253

  13. van Cauteren, P., Lampens, P., Robertson, C. W., & Strigachev, A., “Search for intrinsic variable stars in three open clusters: NGC 1664, NGC 6811, NGC 7209”, 2005, CoAst, 146, 21

  14. Wilson, C.A., Weisskopf, M. C., Finger, M. H., Coe, M. J., Greiner, J., Reig P., Papamastorakis, G., “Discovery of a Be/X-ray Binary Consistent with the Position of GRO J2058+42”, 2005, ApJ, 622, 1024


  1. Bachev, R. & Strigachev, A., “Optical continuum variability of the active galaxy Mrk 279 – implications for different accretion regimes”, 2004, AN, 325, 317

  2. Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Lopez, J.A., Mavromatakis, F., Redman, M.P., Harman, D.J., Goudis, C.D., “The kinematics of the bi-lobal supernova remnant G 65.3+5.7 – Paper II”, 2004, A&A, 424, 583

  3. Georgantopoulos, I., Papadakis, I., Zezas, A., & Ward, M. J., “X-Ray Luminous Galaxies. II. Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of the “Composite” Galaxy IRAS 20051-1117″ 2004, ApJ, 614, 634

  4. Hatzidimitriou, D., Antoniou, V., Papadakis, I., Kaltsa, M., Papadaki, C., Papamastorakis, I., & Croke, B. F. W., “BVRI photometry of the galactic globular cluster NGC 6779”, 2004, MNRAS, 348, 1157

  5. Mavromatakis, F., Aschenbach, B., Boumis, P., Papamastorakis, J., “Multi-wavelength study of the G82.2+5.3 supernova remnant”, 2004, A&A, 415, 1051

  6. Mavromatakis, F., Xilouris, E., Boumis, P., “The supernova remnant G6.4-0.1 and its environment”, 2004, A&A, 426, 567

  7. Mavromatakis, F., Papamastorakis, J., Ventura, J., & Boumis, P., “Optical supernova remnant observations from Skinakas Observatory”, 2004, AdSpR, 33, 480″

  8. Meaburn, J., Boumis, P., Redman, M.P. Lopez, J.A., Mavromatakis, F., “Candidates for giant lobes projecting from the LBV stars P Cygni and R 143”, 2004, A&A, 422, 603

  9. Nandra, K., Georgantopoulos, I., Brotherton, M., Papadakis, I.E., “X-ray and optical counterparts of hard X- ray selected sources from the SHEEP survey, first results”, 2004, MNRAS,, 347, 41

  10. Papadakis, I.E., Samaritakis, V., Boumis, P., Papamastorakis, J., “Multi-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac object S4 0954+658”, 2004, A&A, 426, 437
  11. Reig, P., Negueruela, I., Fabregat, J., Chato, R., Blay, P., Mavromatakis, F., “Discovery of the optical counterpart to the X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545”, 2004, A&,A, 421, 673

  12. Semkov, E. H., “A new dep minimum in the light curve of the PMS star V1184 Tauri (CB34V)”, 2004, A&A, 419, 59

  13. Strigachev, A., Lampens, P., “Multicolor CCD measurements of nearby visual double stars. II”, 2004, A&A, 422, p.1023

  14. Walborn, Nolan R. et al., “A Period and a Prediction for the Of?p Spectrum Alternator HD 191612”, 2004, ApJ, 617, 61

  15. Villata, M., et al, “The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2001 and its extension, Optical light curves and colour analysis 1994-2002”, 2004, A&A, 421, 103

  16. Villata, M., et al, “The WEBT campaigns on BL Lacertae. Time and cross-correlation analysis of optical and radio light curves 1968-2003”, 2004, A&A, 424, 497


  1. Boettcher, M., et al., “Coordinated Multiwavelength Observations of BL Lacertae in 2000”, 2003, ApJ, 596, 847

  2. Boller, Th., Voges, W., Dennefeld, M., Lehmann, I., Predehl, P., Burwitz, V., Perlman, E., Gallo, L., Papadakis, I.E., Anderson, S., “1ES 1927+654: Persistent and rapid X-ray variability in an AGN with low intrinsic neutral X-ray absorption and narrow optical emission lines”, 2003, A&A, 397, 557

  3. Boumis, P., Paleologou, E.V., Mavromatakis, F., Papamastorakis, J., “New Planetary Nebulae in the Galactic Bulge Region with l>00-I. Discovery method and first results”, 2003, MNRAS, 339, 735

  4. Ksanfomality, L. V., “Solar System Research”, 2003, SoSyR, 37, 469

  5. Malzac, J.; Belloni, T., Spruit, H.C., Kanbach, G., “The optical and X-ray flickering of XTE J1118+480”, 2003, A&A, 407, 335

  6. Mavromatakis, F., “Deep optical observations of the supernova remnant G78.2+2.1”, 2003, A&A, 408, 237

  7. Mavromatakis, F., “Optical line emission from the supernova remnant G 73.9+0.9”, 2003, A&A, 398, 153

  8. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Goudis, C.D., “The faint supernova remnant G 34.7-0.4 (W44)”, 2003, A&A, 405, 591

  9. Nakos, Th., Ofek, E.O., Boumis, P., Cuypers, J., Sinachopoulos, D., van Dessel, E., Gal-Yam, A., Papamastorakis, J., “A catalog of secondary photometric standard stars around gravitational lenses”, 2003, A&A, 402, 1157

  10. Papadakis, I.E., Boumis, P., Samaritakis, V., Papamastorakis, J., “Multi-band optical micro-variablility observations of BL Lacertae”, 2003, A&A, 397,565

  11. Raiteri, C.M., et al., “Optical and radio behaviour of the BL Lacertae object 0716+714*”, 2003, A&A, 402, 151

  12. Reig, P., Ribo, M., Paredes, J.M., Marti, J., “Long- Term X- Ray variability of the microquasar system LS 5039/RX J1826.2-1450”, 2003, A&A, 405, 285

  13. Sciare, J., Cachier, H., Oikonomou, K., Ausset, P., Sarda-Estève, R., & Mihalopoulos, N., “Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols during the MINOS campaign in Crete, July-August 2001: a multi-analytical approach”, 2003, ACPD, 3, 3373

  14. Semkov E. H., “Photometric and spectroscopic study of V 1184 Tauri”, 2003, A&A, 404, 655


  1. Boumis, P., Mavromatakis, F., Paleologou, E., “First optical light from the supernova remnant G 17.4-2.3”, 2002, A&A, 385, 1042

  2. Boumis, P., Mavromatakis, F., Paleologou, E.V., Becker, W., “New optical filamentary structures in Pegasus”, 2002, A&A, 396, 225

  3. Hynes, R.I., et al, “Spectroscopic observations of the candidate sgB[e]/X-ray binary CI Camelopardalis”, 2002, A&A, 392, 991

  4. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Paleologou, E., “Optical observations of the supernova remnant G 69.4+ 1.2”, 2002, A&A, 387, 635

  5. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Paleologou, E., “Imaging and spectroscopy of the faint remnant G 114.3+0.3”, 2002, A&A, 383, 1011

  6. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Papamastorakis, J., Ventura, J., “Deep optical observations of G 65.3+5.7”, 2002, A&A, 388, 355

  7. Mavromatakis, F., Strom, R.G., “A new candidate supernova remnant in Cygnus”, 2002, A&A, 382, 291

  8. Spruit, H.C., Kanbach, G., “Correlated X-ray and optical variability in KV UMa”, 2002, A&A, 391, 225

  9. Villata, M., et al, “The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2000”, 2002, A&A, 390, 407


  1. Clark, J.S., Reig, P., Goodwin, S.P., Larionov, V.M., Blay, P., Coe, M.J., Fabregat, J., Negueruela, I., Papadakis, I, Steele, I.A., “On the radio emitting high mass X-ray binary LS 5039”, 2001, A&A, 376, 476

  2. Kanbach, G., Straubmeier, C., Spruit, H.C., Belloni, T., “Correlated fast X-ray and optical variability in the black hole candidate XTE J1118+480”, 2001, Nature, 414, 180

  3. Lampens, P., Strigachev, A., “Multicolor observations of nearby visual double stars, “New CCD measurements and orbits”, 2001, A&A, 368, 572

  4. Mavromatakis, F., Papamastorakis, J., Paleologou, E.V., “The physical structure of the planetary nebula NGC 6781”, 2001, A&A, 374, 280

  5. Mavromatakis, F., Papamastorakis, J., Ventura, J., Becker, W., Paleologou, E.V., Schaudel, D., “The supernova remnants G 67.7+1.8, G 31.5-0.6 and G 49.2-0.7”, 2001, A&A, 370, 265

  6. Mavromatakis, F., Ventura, J., Paleologou, E.V., Papamastorakis, J., “The peculiar supernova remnant CTB 80”, 2001, A&A, 371, 300

  7. Miroshnichenko, A.S., Fabregat, J.J., Bjorkman, K.S., Knauth, D.C., Morrison, N.D., Tarasov, A.E., Reig, P., Negueruela, I., Blay, P., “Spectroscopic observations of the δ Scorpii binary during its recent periastron passage”, 2001, A&A, 377, 485

  8. Misiriotis, A., Popescu, C.C., Tuffs, R., Kylafis, N.D., “Modeling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies”, 2001, A&A, 372, 775

  9. Shemmer, O., et al. “Multiwavelength monitoring of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy AKN 564. III. Optical observations and the optical-UV-X-Ray connection”, 2001, ApJ, 561, 162

  10. Sinachopoulos, D., Nakos, Th., Boumis, P., van Dessel, E., Burger, M., Rodriguez-Gil, P., “Photometric variability of the gravitational lens 0142-100 (UM 673)”, 2001, AJ, 122, 1692

  11. Straubmeier, C., Kanbach, G., & Schrey, F., “OPTIMA: A Photon Counting High-Speed Photometer” 2001, ExA, 11, 157


  1. Alton, P.B., Rand, R.J., Xilouris, E.M., Bevan, S., Ferguson, A.M., Davies J.I., Bianchi, S., “Dust outflows from quiescent spiral disks”, 2000, A&A Supl. Ser, 145, 83

  2. Doyle, L.R., et al. “Observational limits on terrestrial-sized inner planets around the CM Draconis system using the photometric transit method with a matched – filter algorithm”, 2000, AJ, 535, 338

  3. Mavromatakis, F., Papamastorakis, J., Paleologou, E.V., Ventura, J., “Optical CCD imaging of the supernova remnant CTA 1.”, 2000, A&A, 353, 371

  4. Negueruela, I., Reig, P., Clark, J.S., “The nature of 1WGA J1958.2+3232: A new intermediate polar”, 2000, A&A, 354, 29

  5. Papadakis, I., Hatzidimitriou, D., Croke, B.F.W., Papamastorakis, J., “The NGC 6426 RR Lyrae varables and horizontal-branch morphology”, 2000, A&A, 119, 851

  6. Popescu, C.C., Misiriotis, A., Kylafis, N.D., Tuffs, R.J., Fischera, J., “Modeling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies”, 2000, A&A, 362, 138

  7. Reig, P., Negueruela, I., Coe, M.J., Fabregat, J., Tasov, A.E., Zamanov, R.K., “Correlated V/R and infrared photometric variations in the Be/X-ray binary LS I+610”, 2000, MNRAS, 317, 205

  8. Roy, M., Papadakis, I., Ramos-Colon, E., Sambruna, R., Tsinganos, K., Papamastorakis, J., Kafatos, M., “The recent high state of the BL LACERTAE object AO 0235 and cross-correlation between otical and radio bands”, 2000, AJ, 545, 758

  9. Szegoe, K., et al., “Physics of Mass Loaded Plasmas”, 2000, Space Science Reviews, 94, 429


  1. Hatzidimitriou, D., Papadakis, I., Croke, B.F.W., Papamastorakis, J., Paleologou, E.V., Xanthopoulos, E., Haerendel, G., “The age of NGC6426, a metal-poor globular cluster in the galactic halo”, 1999, A&A 117, 3059
  2. Xilouris, E.M., Byun, Y.I., Kylafis, N.D., Paleologou, E.V., Papamastorakis, J., “Are spiral galaxies optically thin or thick?”, 1999, A&A, 344, 868
  3. Bianchi, S., Alton, P.B., Davies, J.I., “SCUBA imaging of the NGC 7331 dust ring”, 1998, MNRAS, 298, 49
  4. Xilouris, E.M., Alton, P.B., Davies, J.I., Kylafis, N.D., Papamastorakis, J., Trewhella, M., “Optical and NIR modelling of NGC 891”, 1998, A&A, 331, 894
  5. Megeath, S.T., Wilson, T.L., “The NGC 281 west cluster. I. Star formation in photoevaporating clumps.”, 1997, AJ, 114, 1106
  6. Fischer, Ch. Th., Haerendel, G., Bogdanov, A.T., “Dynamics of Structures in the Plasma Tail of Comet Hale-Bopp”, 1997, Earth, Moon and Planets 77, 279
  7. Xilouris, E.M., Kylafis, N.D., Papamastorakis, J., Paleologou, E.V., Haerendel, G., “The distribution of stars and dust in spiral galaxies: the edge-on spiral UGC 2048”, 1997, A&A, 325, 135
  8. Xilouris, K.M., Papamastorakis, J., Paleologou, E., Terzian, Y., “The shaping of aging planetary nebulae”, 1996, A&A, 310, 603
  9. Xilouris, K.M., Papamastorakis, J., Sokolov, N., Paleologou, E., Reich, W., “Discovery of the new emission nebula G4.4+6.4”, 1994, A&A, 290, 639
  10. Papamastorakis, J., Xilouris, K.M., Paleologou, E.V., “Morphological study of the extended halo around the Dumbbell Nebula (NGC 6853)”, 1993, A&A, 279, 536
  11. Xilouris, K.M., Papamastorakis, J.,Paleologou, E.V., Andredakis, Y., Haerendel, G., “Detection of optical emission in the area of G127.1+0.5”, 1993, A&A, 270, 393


Διατριβές PhD

Οι ακόλουθες διδακτορικές διατριβές έχουν στηριχθεί και σε δεδομένα από παρατηρήσεις των τηλεσκοπίων του Αστεροσκοπείου Σκίνακα.

  1. Measuring star-formation rates in galaxies and their correlation with X-ray emission” (στα αγγλικά)
    Κωνσταντίνος Κουρουμπατζάκης, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2021

  2. Structure & evolution of magnetic molecular clouds: observational consequences and tests” (στα αγγλικά)
    Γεωργία Βιργινία Πανοπούλου, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2017

  3. A multi-wavelength study of the activity in a representative sample of nearby star-forming galaxies” (στα αγγλικά)
    Αλέξανδρος Μαραγκουδάκης, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2017

  4. Activity of T Tauri type stars and objects similar to them” (στα βουλγαρικά)
    Sunay Ibryamov, Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Βουλγαρία, 2016

  5. Fundamental properties of High-Mass X-ray Binaries” (στα αγγλικά)
    Ana González Galán, Depart de Física, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoría de la Señal, Univ. de Alicante, Ισπανία 2014

  6. Investigation of the High-Mass X-ray Binary populations in the Small Magellanic Cloud” (στα αγγλικά)
    Γρηγόρης Μαραβέλιας, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2014

  7. Galaxy Evolution in Compact Groups: an infrared perspective” (στα αγγλικά)
    Θοδωρής Μπιτσάκης, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2013

  8. Ανίχνευση και μελέτη εξωγαλαξιακών υπολειμμάτων υπερκαινοφανών σε πολλαπλά μήκη κύματος”  (στα ελληνικά)
    Ιωάννα Λεωνιδάκη, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Πατρών, 2012

  9. Photometric monitoring of FU Orionis and EX Lupi type of objects” (στα βουλγαρικά)
    Stoyanka Peneva, Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Βουλγαρία, 2012

  10. Optical Observation Supernova Remnants and Intergalactic Medium Dust” (στα ελληνικά)
    Ιωάννης Αλικάκος, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Πατρών, 2011

  11. Ανίχνευση και μελέτη φαινομένων μεσοαστρικής ύλης” (στα ελληνικά)
    Σταύρος Άκρας, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Πατρών, 2010

  12. Multiwavelength Analysis of two peculiar High Mass X-ray Binaries systems: 4U 2206+54 and SAX J2103.5+4545, New Insights from INTERGRAL” (στα αγγλικά)
    Pere Blay, Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Univ. of Valencia, Ισπανία, 2006

  13. Morphology and dynamics of spiral galaxies” (στα αγγλικά)
    Άγγελος Μισιριώτης, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2001

  14. Observation and simulation of structures in the plasma tail of a comet” (στα γερμανικά)
    by Christian Thomas Fischer, University of Braunschweig – Institute of Technology & Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Γερμανία, 2000

  15. Κατανομή αστεριών και σκόνης σε σπειροειδείς γαλαξίες” (στα ελληνικά)
    Εμμανουήλ Ξυλούρης, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Αθηνών, 1999

Διατριβές Masters

Οι ακόλουθες διατριβές Masters έχουν στηριχθεί και σε δεδομένα από παρατηρήσεις των τηλεσκοπίων του Αστεροσκοπείου Σκίνακα.

  1. Μέτρηση μαγνητικού πεδίου στη περιοχή του Polaris Flare χρησιμοποιώντας δεδομένα από το όργανο Robopol” (στα αγγλικά)
    Κάτια Γκιμήση, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2022

  2. Μέτρηση οπτικής πολωσιμετρίας σε περιοχές χαμηλής περιεκτικότητας σκόνης” (στα αγγλικά)
    Ραφαήλ Σκαλίδης, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2018

  3. Φασματική και χρονομεταβαλόμενη ανάλυση ακτίνων Χ του παλσάρ 4U1901+03 κατά τη διάρκεια μιας γιγαντιαίας έκλαμψης” (στα αγγλικά)
    Φωτεινή Μυλωνάκη, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2016

  4. Μελέτη του μαγνητικού πεδίου και των νηματοειδών δομών στο μοριακό νέφος Polaris Flare” (στα αγγλικά)
    Ιωάννα Ψαραδάκη, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2016

  5. Μελέτη της μεταβλητότητας του οπτικού φάσματος για διπλά συστήματα τύπου Be/X-ray” (στα αγγλικά)
    Άγγελος Νερσεσιάν, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Παν. Κρήτης, 2015

  6. Determination of the Interstellar Dust Mass in Galaxies using Deep Optical and Near-Infrared Observations” (στα αγγλικά)
    Sebastien Viaene, Dept. of Physics, University of Gent, Βέλγιο, 2012

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